Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The new job

I noticed that I keep saying that it's real and here. A lot. That's annoying...not that anyone is reading this anyway. Hubby starts his new job on Jan 30th. I'm thankful that we get some time before he has to dash away and we have to live separately for the next 5 months. That is going to suck. A lot. I depend on him so much. There are so many other things that need to be fixed here, and it's going to fall to me to get it done. AHHH...no wonder I am beginning to resemble a whale. Can you say stressful?

I really am happy for him. He is excited for this new experience. They want him to fill the shoes of the boss who is retiring, which is pretty huge! It will be more managerial than anything, and I think that's something that he will flourish with. He's a people person, and has wanted the chance to lead for a good while now. So here we go!

Christmas is almost here...um, so not done with shopping. Not a thing wrapped. 0 stocking stuffers. And Christmas is. Gasp! Next week?? Really?? I'm hoping to make it out on Friday and have another dinner date/shopping date with hubby to finish up.

After Christmas the fun/work begins. Taylor has to have tonsils, adnoids, out and tubes put in again. I need to pack what I can that will fit into the car...what on earth will that be? And prepare to say goodbye.

So. Much. To. Do.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Crunch time

It's real. It's here. The job has been accepted. We're waiting to hear a start date. We haven't told the kids yet. I want to stay here and finish out the year with them. I think it would be much easier to start fresh next year. And it's the holidays. I'm trying to get in the spirit. Really I am. I force myself to listen to Christmas music, lol. I'm making room for our tree. I need to dig it out of the corner of the garage....I need to clean. Paint. Fix this and that. No, scratch that, I need to have someone else do it, lol. I can't fix a broken disposal. Anddddd......are you ready? The roof has a leak too. WTF. What is God trying to tell us here? Is he trying to make us poor? If that's his goal, he's doing a darn fine job. I haven't started Christmas shopping yet. Know why? Yeah...the next check is always going to cover something else. *sigh* This too shall pass. Right? Lord, give me the strength!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Yesterday was hubby's interview. It's real. It's here. No turning back. We're waiting for the call...I guess with in a week or so we'll know the inevitable. Until then, more waiting. Wait, wait, wait. I think that's all I do lately. What's a little more waiting?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Social Turkey

This past Thursday Hubby and I went to eat lunch Thanksgiving lunch with Taylor. All the kids rotate holidays, so all the parents have a chance to come and eat with their kids. Kindergarten and 1st grade get Thanksgiving, so it was Taylor's turn. She was excited to have us there. I always feel so bad for the little ones who don't have a parent show up. I mean, are you really SO busy that you just can't tear yourself away for your lunch hour to make your kid's day??

As we were waiting in a very long line, Taylor's little friend Becca was in front of her. She is a cute and lively little girl. Taylor was pretty insistent on sitting next to her, which was fine. But at one point Becca got a little ahead of the rest of us and I made Taylor wait on me and Hubby so we wouldn't get separated. Well. You would have thought I was asking her to kick her friend to the curb. Being social and sitting next to a friend was obviously more important than sitting next to her daddy and I for lunch. :) I had to keep from laughing out loud. I knew how she felt. I'm quite positive I would have felt the same way. We were dead weight for her. We needed to pick up the pace and keep up, or be left behind! Forget those sweet potatoes that looked like overcooked mushy globs of goo, we gotta get the right seats people!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Can someone please explain this phenomenon? I just don't get it. I don't look good in leggings to begin with...I'm short and I find my legs to be on the chunky side. I think if your tall and slim, or even short and slim, leggings would be good for you. I can't STAND the skinny jeans either. And that's about all you can find these days. No one asked my opinion, but skinny jeans are NOT for everyone. I don't care who you are. Do not tell me to wear them. In my daily life I would look ridiculous. Which brings me back to the jeggings. Who the hell thought this would be a good idea? This seems like a throw back to the 80's when we used to fold our jeans up at the ends...anyone remember doing that? Remember the jeans that had zippers in the back by your ankles? All the cool girls had them. I was not a cool girl, but I sure did want them. Please Please, lets leave the 80's behind. In the past. Let's move on. I have. It's almost 2011! Isn't it time to find a new fashion?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Growin Weeds

I think I'm growing weeds at my house. Of the child variety. I just bought my son 2 pairs of jeans a couple of months ago. They're already tight, and too short. He's 8, and has always run pretty true to size. All of a sudden, the jeans look like high-water pants on him. Poor guy. Taylor is really hard to fit into jeans too...she has short legs like me so everything is too long, and not big enough around. Talk about frustrating! I can always tell when they're going through a growth spurt. It's easy to spot. Clothes all of a sudden are too small. Food disappears right before my eyes, and they actually sleep. Whew....now I have to go to the store and replenish my stock for Zack later.

Monday, November 8, 2010


We had a visit from an elder family member this past weekend. His health has been declining over the past year. He has someone stay with him 6 days a week during the day, and his son lives with him full time and is there evenings. There are three siblings who switch off weekends taking care of him. Anyway, the elder family member and one of his daughters and her husband came by to drop of some early birthday gifts to Taylor. They visited with us for almost 2 hours and at some point over those two hours as he got up to leave we noticed that there was a stain on our couch. He had had an accident. I know he's had a bladder issue for quite a while now, but I did not know it was this bad. It smelled horrible and was very noticeable. Yet nothing was said. I can completely understand the daughter and her husband not saying anything in front of him. I understand that this is an embarrassing issue. Like I said, I know he's had bladder problems for some time, and I can appreciate them not saying anything at the time, BUT..... there has been no apology or acknowledgment that it even happened. I know they knew....the husband helped him up off the couch. The smell alone could have knocked you over. Am I wrong to think that she should have called later or at the very least sent an email saying she was sorry about the situation?

Maybe I'm making too much out of it. I'm still trying to clean my couch though. It's hard to get rid of the smell. I don't know...I just think there is no couth left in this part of the family at all.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Politians and car salesmen

I am so happy this election is over. I really hate getting all those calls. It seems like the phone rings constantly with automated calls, and the occasional actual human on the other end trying to gage if you're going to vote or not, and who you're for. I've taken to answering and then immediately hanging up the phone. It makes my life easier. But then they call back. Over and over. And over.

I'm not in to politics at all. I think Politicians are like used car salesman. They'll tell you anything to get you to buy their policies and what they stand for. Their slimy and I think you'd be hard pressed to find an honest politician. This is of course a generalization, and I know that, but I do think a honest politician is few and far between, if at all. I think the only thing we can hope for is to vote for someone who claims to stand for what you believe in and then pray they do their best when and if they're elected.

That's just my 2 cents.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


So the other day my son came home with a a big smile on his face. He was so proud of himself. Mind you he's only in 3rd grade. Anyway, he got in the car and said "Guess what!!?" "I got Naomi's digits!!" Apparently she gave her phone number to him first, and then he gave her his. This was a couple of weeks ago now, and no phone calls have been made either way. I did ask him the other day what he did with her number, and unfortunately it's lost. I told him maybe he should tell her he misplaced it and ask for it again. Wait, what? He's in 3rd grade! Is this normal? I still thought boys had coodies at that age.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Candy Candy Candy Candy Candy

Halloween has come and gone. My Star Wars dude and my iCarly got an enormous amount of candy. I have NO idea what I'm going to do with it all. My mom said in my hometown there is a dentist there, or maybe more, that you can give all your left over candy to and they donate it to the troops over-seas. What a great idea! I should call around and see if they do this here. Zack ate so much of his, he got sick on it, already. Fun times. It's now hidden, although not well enough, but hopefully out of sight, out of mind.

Now that Halloween is over, it's now Voting day. GO VOTE! I can't wait for the day to be over. I am SO sick of all the calls. Every day. Multiple times. I realize these people are just doing their job, but they're completely annoying. And then you have the wonderful recorded calls. Ugh. Lately all the 800 #'s I see, or odd #'s, I pick up and immediately hang up. I'm fairly certain I don't need to talk to them.


Monday, October 18, 2010

I need a..........brownie?

It's late. Well, actually it's early. It's 1:45 in the morning....I should be asleep. I am so going to regret this later. But I'm wide awake, and can't stop coughing, and some how in dire need of a brownie. Or two. Or like the entire pan. Not weird, right? Riiiiight. A little weird. Part of me wants to just go in the kitchen right now and make some. BUT...then I'd have to wait for them to cook, and what if I get sleepy while they are baking? I don't want to burn down the house. That's what I'm trying to tell myself anyway. Plus, I'd just be up that much longer. I have things to do tomorrow! I have to make 10 billion copies for Zack's 3rd grade at school. And give Taylor her medicine. And pack their bags....and get them off the bus, and make phone calls, and do laundry. LAUNDRY! I forgot I have a load in the dryer and some in the wash....Duty calls, the brownies will have to wait.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Another day, another co-pay, and a mini rant

Things are not loading right for me on blogger....it's annoying. Today Taylor had another doctor appointment. This time with the Ear Nose and Throat drs. Talk about great timing! Her tube that finally fell out has caused all kinds of problems. One ear infection after another, and now the cough from hell that will not go away. So she's already on another round of medication, and now I have to add to it...but this is permanent. And one is a nasal spray. Oh, this should be really fun. I HATE nasal sprays...I refuse to use them. I'd rather suffer. She is a mini me....haha....greatttttt. I know she's going to hate it. The dr gave me two new medications for her. I forgot to ask if I should keep her on her other allergy meds...hmmm, guess I'll be calling them later. Why when the seasons change, is it automatically time for everyone to be sick? The leaves are changing, just starting here, and by next week it will be beautiful, but we'll all be too sick to enjoy it. Geesh!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Da Da Daaaaaa

Applications have been submitted. We're waiting to hear...I'm sure he will hear soon...life is about to change. It's scary. I like my little corner in the world...guess I'll have to find a new corner.

On another note....we went to Columbus this past weekend. I shopped at Trader Joe's...I so wish there was one everywhere! Love that place! I was so happy I got to take some things home. The only other time I've been to one was in CA when I was visiting a friend. For anyone not in the know, it's an organic grocery store. It has lots of great organic deals, and I don't really find it to be that much more expensive than a regular grocery store, if at all. If you ever get a chance to go, go!

We had a shopping weekend...that's what I really wanted to do for my birthday. Shop at Easton and eat at the Cheesecake Factory. I had a great time shopping, and ate great food. I will miss being so close to Columbus!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I have this problem....

It's called BABY FEVER! Every where I turn, someone I know is pregnant. I'm a little jealous. I always liked being pregnant...to carry the baby, feel him/her kick....It is the coolest feeling in the world.

I know, I have two awesome beautiful kids. They are at the perfect age where they can keep themselves busy, I don't have to watch them like hawk, and they're great helpers. I always knew I wanted two kids. The only child in me knew that I needed to have more than one.

Zack was my first. He was such a great baby...except for the sleeping part, which he still isn't great with. Seriously that kid can survive on very little sleep! I had some complications with him, that lead to extra complications with Taylor. Right after I had Zack I was told that I shouldn't try to have anymore kids, and if I did want more, I should consider adoption or surrogacy.

I'm not good with directions. I don't like to be told what to do. So, I got pregnant again. I had LOTS of dr appointments, and I had LOTS of amnio's. I know a lot of people shy away from them, but for me it was a necessary evil. And just FYI, anyone who tells you that they don't hurt is freaking full of crap.

When it was all said and done, all the doctor appointments were for nothing. After the first amnio they were supposed to be able to tell us if there would be any complications. If everything was good, I wouldn't have to have anymore, if there were I would. Maybe they just wanted my money? To make a long story short, the doctor was wrong and I had a LOT of unnecessary amnio's. Everything turned out great with her.

That's not to say, I want to tempt fate again. I don't, to be perfectly honest. Now that I'm older, maybe just a little wiser, I know our family is perfect, and I'm happy the way we are.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Boarding school for 8 year olds??

Yesterday while laying around on the couch I was flipping thru the channels (shocking, I know) on tv, and something caught my attention. It was called "Leaving Home at 8 Years Old," on BBC America. A reality TV show about sending your kids off to boarding school. Boarding school for your 8 year old? Really?? I can't imagine sending my 8 year old son off to boarding school. I know there are times, when your kids are on your every last nerve...the idea is enticing, but is boarding school at this age really necessary? I have a niece who is in high school that goes to a boarding school, and she really likes it. But that's high school. That's probably every teen's dream, to live away from home away from annoying parents and siblings.

Doesn't sending your young children off into the world at this age send the wrong message? Even if it is the best school around? Mommy and Daddy don't want me around anymore, so they're sending me off to some school where you have to share a room with kids you don't know, and are forced to stay there 24-7??

This reality show takes place in the UK, and the few minutes I watched showed how hard it was in particular for this little girl to adjust being without her parents (duh), and how hard it was for her mother to leave her there as well. The adults working in the school said if the parents want to know how their child is doing, they should call them directly, and not to the house where the kids stay...it just makes it harder on both sides to readjust after speaking to their loved ones, until they have fully adjusted. I wonder how long the typical adjustment period is for the average child who attends that school?

I know, to each their own, but that's not something I could imagine myself doing to Zack. Or Taylor.

Monday, September 13, 2010


It's MONDAY! I've never been so happy for a Monday. The kids are well...they're back at school. I have so far managed to steer clear of that dastardly cold. Knock on wood...and I am soooooooooo tired. I really should have gone back to bed. But the couch called my name. So I layed down and then turned on the tv. Then I flipped the channels. And then Sam, my perfect spoiled pooch decided he needed to be a lap dog. He's a medium size pooch...a lab mix. He is spoiled rotten and I love him to death. I think he was more mad that I was in his spot. He was trying to get me to move. As his luck would have it, I was in dire need of some coffee, so I got up for him. Aren't I nice?

So last night I watched a little of the VMA's. I happened to flip when Taylor Swift was on. I liked her song, I thought she did a great performance. I waited forever to see Kanye's. It was a funny song, I guess he was making fun of himself. I think the media and Kanye need to just let this die. It's been a year. Move on.

Now that the kids are back at school, my house looks like a tornado went through here. It's pitiful looking. I'm tired and lazy and don't want to deal with the mess right now. I stayed up entirely too late playing words with friends. I am so addicted to that game, and I get so annoyed when people don't take their turn! SO rude. Why you gotta leave a person hanging?? What is with that? Do other people have lives or something?? Geesh. What are they thinking?

Time to go boot the dog off the couch...it's my turn. The mess can wait. It's not going anywhere. ;)

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Infirmary

2 sick kids.
1 migraine prone, sleep deprived mommy.

What does that equal? A disaster. It's been a really long week. The weekend is going to be longer. Taylor only went to school one day this week. She started out with a runny/stuffy nose last week, and it progressed into what ever it is now. She is on an antibiotic.

Last night Zack came down with the stuffy nose and sore throat after his bath. O.M.G. When did this kid turn into a helpless little man? He is the typical "man" you hear about that thinks he is dying because he can't breathe through his nose. I have to say, Hubby is NOT like this. He pushes through and deals with it. Zack was up all night long. I felt so bad for him...If I could climb inside his little body and trade places with him, I would gladly do so. But I can't. So it was quite the sleepless night for us. He was up every hour. And to think I would love another baby...HA. What the hell am I thinking? I feel like death warmed over today! Good thing we can't have more!

Alright...nap time! Lets see how this goes, and how long it lasts.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A New Begining.........

Here on my blog. I've deleted the past....time to move on. I wonder if anyone wishes they could really do that in life? I'm sure there are people out there who do. People that have made huge mistakes in their life. Regret is a terrible thing. Lots of people pride themselves on never living with regrets..but how can you not regret anything? I regret not being more social...it's not something that I can change. The past is the past, and I'm still not that social, but I try.

So here in our house, we have a major decision coming up. It's one we had to make a year ago, and decided against. Both hubby and I had regret with that decision. I had a LOT of regret, because essentially I was the one who said no. It turned out to be the best decision for us, we just didn't know it at the time.

The decision to move or not to move is a major life altering decision that will effect all four of us for the rest of our lives. There are pros and cons of course, but the list doesn't make it any easier. At least for me. We've both done the Pro/Con list a few thousand times now. The Pros always outweigh the cons, but the cons are big. Huge. These life decisions are hard to make when you have an 8 and almost 6 year old. We do our best to provide a stable environment and to not rock their little lives too much. I do realize that people do this all the time, and a lot of times it's not a choice. It's either you move or you don't have a job. So in that sense we are really blessed to even have a decision like this to make. Our livelihood is not on the line.

I realize it's the control freak in me...I feel like I'm losing control and there isn't a thing I can do about it. I've lived here almost 10 years and it took me probably a good 6-7 years to find happiness here, so I kinda feel like the rug is being pulled out from under me a little bit. The ironic thing is that we'd be moving back to my hometown. Why wouldn't I want to go back?

My family is there.
A few of my friends are still there.
I love to go back and spend time there.
We just spent our entire summer there!
And the kids did great and made friends where ever they went.

What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. Me? Why am I NOT gung ho? <---Is that how you even spell that? I think I've maybe become slightly overly sentimental about life here, and the things/people we're leaving behind. Things are things. A house is just a house. Even if it is your first house. And people can always keep in touch. Right?