Monday, October 18, 2010

I need a..........brownie?

It's late. Well, actually it's early. It's 1:45 in the morning....I should be asleep. I am so going to regret this later. But I'm wide awake, and can't stop coughing, and some how in dire need of a brownie. Or two. Or like the entire pan. Not weird, right? Riiiiight. A little weird. Part of me wants to just go in the kitchen right now and make some. BUT...then I'd have to wait for them to cook, and what if I get sleepy while they are baking? I don't want to burn down the house. That's what I'm trying to tell myself anyway. Plus, I'd just be up that much longer. I have things to do tomorrow! I have to make 10 billion copies for Zack's 3rd grade at school. And give Taylor her medicine. And pack their bags....and get them off the bus, and make phone calls, and do laundry. LAUNDRY! I forgot I have a load in the dryer and some in the wash....Duty calls, the brownies will have to wait.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Another day, another co-pay, and a mini rant

Things are not loading right for me on's annoying. Today Taylor had another doctor appointment. This time with the Ear Nose and Throat drs. Talk about great timing! Her tube that finally fell out has caused all kinds of problems. One ear infection after another, and now the cough from hell that will not go away. So she's already on another round of medication, and now I have to add to it...but this is permanent. And one is a nasal spray. Oh, this should be really fun. I HATE nasal sprays...I refuse to use them. I'd rather suffer. She is a mini me....haha....greatttttt. I know she's going to hate it. The dr gave me two new medications for her. I forgot to ask if I should keep her on her other allergy meds...hmmm, guess I'll be calling them later. Why when the seasons change, is it automatically time for everyone to be sick? The leaves are changing, just starting here, and by next week it will be beautiful, but we'll all be too sick to enjoy it. Geesh!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Da Da Daaaaaa

Applications have been submitted. We're waiting to hear...I'm sure he will hear is about to change. It's scary. I like my little corner in the world...guess I'll have to find a new corner.

On another note....we went to Columbus this past weekend. I shopped at Trader Joe's...I so wish there was one everywhere! Love that place! I was so happy I got to take some things home. The only other time I've been to one was in CA when I was visiting a friend. For anyone not in the know, it's an organic grocery store. It has lots of great organic deals, and I don't really find it to be that much more expensive than a regular grocery store, if at all. If you ever get a chance to go, go!

We had a shopping weekend...that's what I really wanted to do for my birthday. Shop at Easton and eat at the Cheesecake Factory. I had a great time shopping, and ate great food. I will miss being so close to Columbus!