Friday, February 25, 2011

A Little Diddy...

There once was a man. One day this man took a new job on the other side of the country. 3000 miles away from home. The man went to live with his in laws for a few months until his wife and children could join him when the school year was over. The mother in law loved to dote on the man. She cooked his meals, and even packed him a lunch every day. She also even offered to wash his laundry. The man felt a little funny about that, so he declined. The man says cleaning his undies is a deal breaker.

When the man leaves for work, the mother in law is still asleep, but the father in law is awake. They greet each other with a good morning, and the father in law sends the man off with his packed lunch and a banana, telling him to have a good day.

The man drives the lengthy drive to his office and works a full day. Sometimes the man doesn't eat the packed lunch. *Gasp* Sometimes he opts to get lunch out....tsk tsk. The mother in law would be unhappy if she knew.

After working his full day the man returns to his in laws humble abode to a home cooked meal. He eats his wonderful home cooked meal, and then skypes with his children. Some days he also goes to work out. He wants to get buff for his wifey! Although his wifey thinks he's fine just the way he is, buff is great too!

The wifey loves this man with all her heart and soul. She and their kids miss the man terribly, and can't wait for the next couple of weeks to pass so they can spend another weekend together again!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

For What??

For house is going up for sale. I love this house! It's too small, and there is no storage anywhere, but I love this house anyway. It's our first house....I loved it from the moment I first stepped in. I squeeed with delight when we went through it. I squeeeed with even more delight when we signed all the papers and moved in. It was perfect for us and move in ready. We didn't have to do a thing. No painting, no fixing, nada. Considering I was 7 months pregnant, it was
P E R F E C T!

I know a house is just a house, a place to lay your head at night. The house doesn't make the home. The people make the home. So why is it so hard to let go of it? Is it the fact that it was our first house? The fact that I really don't want to leave, even if it is the right thing to do? Is it fear of the unknown?

What? All of the above and more you say?
Yep....I know.

I will always have pictures and memories to hold onto, and I'll have even more pictures and memories in our next home.

Next Monday I will sign all the papers to officially put our house on the market March 1st. It's a cute little 3 br/2.5 bath. One car garage. Fresh paint in about half of the roof to come asap. New heat pump, new dishwasher and disposal. Great neighborhood, great neighbors, and great school district. Large playground in the backyard stays with the house. Perfect for another new young family looking for their first house.

Don't mind me if you find me hiding in the closet somewhere.......

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby steps

This is what Hubby keeps saying. Baby step one of 6 is complete. We had a great weekend. It was really productive, but it was WAY too short. Today outside matches the way I feel. It's cold and damp, drizzly and dark. I was never so happy to come back from the airport this morning and crawl back into bed to hide from everyone and everything.

I took a nap, I'd been up since 4...when I woke up, well, it seems like an even deeper sadness set in. I keep thinking back to the days when I would drive down and meet him for lunch at Jim's and we'd share a piece of pie for desert. I wish more than anything, today was one of those days. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's lack of sleep. Or probably both. Separation is a bitch. We always said we wouldn't do this again, and here we are. Doing it again. It's never been an easy thing, to be so far away from each other. I know I need to be happy with the time we do get, as short as it is. It's better than nothing. Could someone please train my brain to get that!?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Young Love

My son is quite smitten with a little girl in his class. I'll call her N. If you ask him about N, he will swear up and down that they are just really good friends. They aren't dating! According to Zack, he and N get teased quite a bit from their classmates about "dating." Yesterday he brought a take home test home for homework and at school he said the teacher was explaining that they could use their history book for it and get help from parents if they needed it, but not to ask their classmates...and apparently someone spoke up and said "Yeah, Zack and N!" He said even the teacher laughed.

I am pretty good friends with his teacher, and we were just talking about them the other day at the Valentine's party. Their desks are next to each other...she said she put them together since they only have a couple of months left. ;)

I've asked him before about dating and his reply is always, "gross!" I don't know if he really finds it as gross as he just maybe a little scary? They are joint at the hip at school, and she is a sweet little girl. When we reach the end of the school year in June, it's going to break all our hearts to have to leave.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm doing it, I'm doing it!

Ok, I am managing....I've been sick, I've had almost every possible thing happen, and I'm still doing it and making it. Whew....I'm exhausted by the end of the day, but we're making it work. And Can I just say that I'm pretty proud of myself? I even made it to church on Sunday. By myself. I think I've only done that one other time. I was terrified that I would just lose it in the middle of church and end up sobbing uncontrollably. I didn't, thankfully, and I think that I just might be able to manage it again. :)

This weekend....I'm ready for this weekend. Hubby gets to come home...only for the weekend, but that's ok, because he'll be HOME! I can't tell you how excited I am....I don't think there are enough words in the English dictionary!

Funny side note....I was thinking back a few weekends ago, about a conversation between my brother in law and Zack. Justin asked Zack what he wanted to be when he grew up. Zack said an NBA player. Justin asked what if that didn't work out. Zack said an NFL player. Justin said what if that doesn't work out? Zack said, well then a rock star! Dream big, baby, dream big! :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


It's been just over a week now, and things are, well the same. I still miss him like crazy. The kids still miss him like crazy. It seems as though he's on one hell of a long work trip. Only this one will last...forever. Ugh. They say it gets easier with time. It does not. They're lying. He's not dead. Thank GOD! I know we'll see him again. Still doesn't make it any easier. I sincerely wish I could say it did. I am strong, and I can make this the new normal. I think..... It would help tremendously if I weren't sick! Talk about bad timing! Double UGH! I haven't felt good since Saturday....I have things to do and places to be the rest of the week, here's hoping my cocktail of day/nyquil works!


Friday, February 4, 2011


Well....hubby left Monday, and it's been quite the adventure for both of us ever since. The mother of all weather storms was hitting the Midwest, which changed hubby's course of driving. Yes driving. In the middle of winter. Across the US. So instead of the quick route he normally would take, he was forced to go South, and has since been stuck in Dallas for the past 3 days waiting for the weather to break. They aren't used to this type of weather there, and consequently do not treat their roads in an adequate manner. 10% Salt, 90% Sand. WHAT? They claim that the salt is too corrosive, which it is really corrosive, to use much of it. Well, then what exactly is the point of using it at all? This weather happens so infrequently there, that you would think they would go ahead and use at the very least 80-85% Salt. Who ever is in charge needs to have a stern talking to. This is ludicrous!

My week has been one adventure after another. The headlight went out in my car, as did the lamp post and my ceiling fan. Got the latter two changed no problem...had to ask my neighbor for help with my car....I'm not good with cars...I'm a girly girl, what can I say? Then my awesome son clogged the toilet. That awesomeness was extra awesome, because I had to go buy a decent plunger. I won that round I'm happy to say. Next was my personal favorite. Caught a mouse in the mouse trap in the garage. I have NO idea how long that poor little thing had been in it. I haven't checked it since hubby left. I happened to get something off the shelf today and looked down and about had a heart attack! We do have a humane trap...Thank GOD, because I know I'd freak if it were the other kind. Wonder how many more are roaming my garage? Ugh.........

This evening we tried out Skype for the first time. Our camera make us look like blurry blobs, but he looks A-OK. I have to say, I am stoked to see him, but at the same time heart broken that I can't touch him. I can't smell him. You have no idea how hard it is to see him, and talk to him face to face and not feel his arms around me. I know other people have it MUCH worse than me, and I should be greatful for what we have, and I am. I really am. For now, this is our new normal, and I just need to get acclimated to it. One. Step. At. A. Time.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

And he's off

It's been 26 hours and 10 minutes give or take since hubby left for the wild wild West. Not that I'm keeping track.....ok, yes I am. It was hard. Really hard to say goodbye. He's had to leave before for a couple of months at a time, but this time was different. It was hard on both of us. I can't really put my finger on it, as to the specific reason. I would venture to guess because it's the beginning of a new chapter of our lives. Not just any chapter, a huge monumental chapter. And he's doing it on his own for now. The kids and are are still here, in our house, in our little town. Just the three of us. There are SO many things left to be done. It's overwhelming...for example, right now...I should be painting something. But I'm not. I'm not ready to take on that task yet. I did hang a couple of pictures and patch 3 holes. Something has to be better than nothing, right?

So today is day one down....lots more to go. One step at a time. I can do this!