Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I have this itch. It's pretty bad. It's a vacation itch. We haven't gone on a vacation in a loooooong time, and it's starting to cause a nasty itch to get the heck outta town. It's sort of hard to leave with your house all torn up...or maybe that's why the itch is getting so bad, no? I want to go sit my butt in the sand with a good book. I want to watch the kids play in the sand and make sandcastles. I want the warmth of the sun to bring a smile to my face. I would give my left arm and then some to be able to go tomorrow.

I'm not a patient person. Have I mentioned that?

Here is the issue. I am now living on the West Coast, where there really aren't any "warm" beaches. It's pretty windy and cold, and swimming in the water isn't something most people do. I grew up going to the Oregon Coast...we always went right before school started and it was always chilly.

Then, I grew up met hubby and he introduced me to a real beach. Myrtle Beach. Nearly everyone where we used to live vacations there, or somewhere near.

I have been spoiled!

I miss the East Coast....being long day's drive from the Atlantic sounds like a dream! Does anyone else wish you had the power of Samantha on "Bewitched? That would come in really handy right about now!!

Alas, while we are re doing our floors, it's too hard to get away. Not to mention the cost of a ticket, car and a place to stay is a little too out of reach...maybe I can convince myself a chilly beach would be just as good?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I think I'm deaf now

Hubby is installing new flooring right now as we speak. He's actually doing the prep right now. The people who lived here previously had a tile entry and then carpet. order to make things level they had to add shims and some leveling stuff, that's similar to grout to go from the carpet to the tile. In order to get rid of that stuff he's using a little mini jack hammer thing. (I'm really technical, I know) IT'S LOUD! Thank GOD I don't have a headache right now..... He's breaking up the grout that was under the tile with it too.....Ohhhhhh my. I hope this goes fast!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Working girl

I've started a new job in the time that we have moved's a new/old job. I've worked for this company before when I was in high school and in college. The people are great to work for, and most of the people, if not all, that I worked with before are still there. I think that says a lot. A lot can happen in 10 years. People change. People move on. For me, it speaks volumes.

The other day it was a little slow and my computer wasn't working, so while an IT guy came and tinkered around with it, my boss, myself and the girl I'm going to be taking over for chatted and giggled like little girls. It was so FUN! What a great day, and what a great thing to be able to enjoy the people you work with. That was unfortunately not so much the case in my last job. People at my new company are a great group of people. My little group is so funny! I don't think I've been able to laugh like that for quite a while. It was so refreshing to have adult conversation and lots of laughs! It sure makes getting up early worth it. :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Extended Vacation?

I still feel like this isn't my house. I feel like I'm on an extended vacation. Living in a roomy vacation home, waiting to pack up and head out at a moments notice. All of our worldy possessions fill this house, and yet it doesn't feel like we belong here.......yet. I know we will, but at the moment it's a strange feeling to have.

I've come full circle. I was born and raised here. When I left I always wanted to come back. Now I'm finally back and it feels incredibly surreal. Almost like I don't belong here. Hubby's aunt once said you can always go home again, but it's never the same. She was speaking of personal experience, and she's right. I'm working where I previously worked, doing the same thing, with some added responsibilities. I'm living in the same area. My current question is, at what point will this feel like home again? Part of me is waiting for the vacation to end and head back East. I wonder at what point does that go away? It's not that I'm not happy....I'm's just a weird feeling.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Little boxes.....

Name that show! One of my fav's.....

I'm however talking about big boxes...huge. And small...millions. Ok, a couple hundred. Have you ever been fortunate enough to be moved across country by a moving company? I was pretty nervous with having random people packing all my worldly possessions. Luckily we were really blessed and nothing broke and from what I can tell, pretty much everything made it here. Amazing really. Our stuff went from our house, onto a truck, to a warehouse where it sat for the better part of a week or more. Then it went onto a semi, all the way across country, to another warehouse for a week, then onto another truck, to our new house. That's a lot of moving around, and I'm really amazed everything arrived in good condition, and on time, and intact.

When all the boxes are delivered you point and direct the movers where you would like things to be put. Boxes get stacked, 3 o four boxes high. Pathways are made through the house. A pathway to the bedrooms. To the doors. And to the kitchen! It felt like I was living in a bad episode of Hoarders there for a while. I would show you a picture, but my computer doesn't like me today. Actually I think it's blogger that doesn't like me today and won't let me upload the pic on here. Go figure.

It took me a good week to dig out of all the boxes and paper. We finally have some order in our house now. As I mentioned in the last post, we are busy painting, and now ready to rip up some carpet to put wood floors down. We can order our furniture Saturday, and as soon as that's all done, we will be good to go for a while. Thank goodness! I'm ready to sit back and enjoy the house!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Um, hi.

June 18th? Really? It's been that long? Wow....ok, so my mother in law said to update, and I try to listen to her, so here we go. :D

I'm still incredibly pissed off at U-Haul. What a joke of a company. Call me crazy, but I think as a company, said company should do everything in their power to make their customer happy. It promotes business, no? I've gotten yet another, "oh, sorry about your luck," and I managed to get a $50 refund. Big whoop, when I ended up spending thousands. Yes, I did say thousands. Next up, is a letter to corporate. Local does nothing. Been there done that, and it's not good enough. Moral of the story is if you ever move and need a big truck to do so, DO NOT EVER USE U-HAUL...they'll run off with your money. And. They. Do. Not. Care.

Bitter, who's bitter? Bite you're tongue.

Anyway, since we've been in grand ol' "Onion Town" we have painted our living room, most of the entry way, and both of the kids bedrooms. We still have a little to go in Taylor's room, a couple of touch ups in Zack's room, and the rest of the entry to go. What are we waiting for you ask? Motivation! I had the best of intentions today, but, what can I say, I'm a little bit on the lazy side. And it's not exactly going anywhere, right? Or maybe that's the problem? It's not going to do itself either....hmmmmmm.

One plus, is that all of the boxes have been opened, and things are put up. That is definitely progress! At one point I felt like I was living like a hoarder. We had path ways through our living room. It was a little crazy for a while. Pretty soon we will be on to bigger and better wood floors! And ripping up carpet! Fun times ahead for sure. I can't wait until it's all done and we can relax. :)