Thursday, September 8, 2011


Is this thing on? I haven't written in forever. When did it become September?? Not that anyone really reads my drivel...but anywhoo, I am alive and kicking and busy all hell. I have forgotten what being a working mom is like. I am so exhausted at the end of the day! I don't remember myself being so tired when I worked previously. Maybe it's just that I'm a few years older now? lol So we have been here for almost 3 months now. Time has gone by pretty fast. Our house is finally starting to take shape and looks pretty good. We have odds and ends that need to be done, but all in all, it's so much better now than when we bought it. The kids have started school. Zack is doing really well. I still can't believe he's in the 4th grade. He has made some good friends and likes his school. On the first day I asked how it went, and he said "GREAT!!" "We get 3 recesses!" lol He has done so well and constantly surprises me at how well he has taken all of the changes we have thrown at him. Taylor likes her school and her teacher also. (They are in separate schools) I am a little more concerned about her though. She seems to be having a harder time with it all. I know she has fun once she gets there. And when I pick her up she is usually in good spirits and says her day has gone well....but getting her up and ready in the mornings is a tougher situation. I don't know if it's because she's really tired, or if she's really unhappy. Time will tell, right? I am to start full time by the end of the month. I hope I can work it all out. The after school care program at Zack's school seems to be a joke, and he's not old enough to be by himself. Not that he would anyway! I've always been a fly by the seat of my pants kind of gal....I'll just wing it per usual. :)

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