Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A New Roof Over my Head

Today I'm getting a new roof put on the house. It's just a bit noisy. (A lot noisy)
It sounds like someone is going to fall through the ceiling up stairs. I said a prayer in the shower that no one would fall in on me while I was in the middle of showering.

The company I hired came promptly at 7:45 this morning...just before I took the kids to school. When I take the kids to school, I'm a hot looking mess. It's not cute. Really.

Bed head.


You know what you look like when you wake up....it's a little scary, isn't it?

I don't get dressed up to drop my kids off at school. I throw on a jacket or sweatshirt and we're out the door. Since I don't have to walk them into the school, I figure what's the point? Sometimes I come back home and go back to bed. Especially if I'm not feeling good.

So anyway, there were probably 8 big scruffy looking men in the yard setting up shop when the kids and I walked to the car this morning. They got quite a site, with me in my pj's, and hair a mess.

Poor Sam doesn't know what to think. He's stuck to me like glue. He's trying really hard to get me to let him outside...but I can't. He not only might get hit with some debris, he would throw a giant barking fit at all the people on our roof. I wouldn't want him to scare someone off the roof either.

Here's to no more leaks, and a brandy new pretty roof!

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