Friday evening when Zack came home from school he asked me if it would be ok if he went to a movie with his friend Naomi. They are inseparable at school, but have never hung out one on one. He has been clamoring to go over to her house, but I'm a huge believer in not inviting yourself places. So finally Friday evening, her mom called and asked if it would be ok for him to go with her and her dad to see "Mars Needs Moms." They both liked the movie and had a great time. Awwwwww! It was like a little first chaperoned date. So Cute! I really wanted a picture....but alas, I played it cool. A Facebook friend said I should take the picture anyway! :) Oh time right? I will have to return the favor in the next couple of months.
Naomi is such a nice cute. Pretty quiet and shy. If you ask either one of them, they are just good friends. They get teased a lot at school for "dating" and it embarrasses both of them. His teacher has told me the hardest part of moving for him will be leaving her. :( Talk about ripping my heart right out!!
Yesterday was another big day for Zack. He got an autograph from a WVU football player at the mall, and then spent the night for the first time away from home at his friends house. He made it all night, I am so proud! I was hoping for a little mommy son date yesterday, but he had places to go and people to see, lol.
My little boy is growing up. Fast!
The Weekly Ramble – March 7, 2025
1 day ago
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