Today I was watching "The Talk." Has anyone watched this yet? It's a talk show with Leah Remini, Sarah Gilbert, Sharon Osbourne, Holly Robinson Peete, and Julie Chen. It's modeled after The View, only much more light hearted. They sit around a table and chat....often talking about personal things, and then they go on to interview a couple of guests.
Anyway, today they started the show talking about junk food cravings. They're were all sitting around the table talking about their junk food cravings, and Leah and Sarah jump up and show what treats they brought for their co-hosts to try. That got me to fun would that be? Get a bunch of girlfriends together and sit around a big table....chatting about life, or nothing in particular, and eat some fun junk food? Sounds like my kind of get together. Why doesn't that happen more often? I think us women are crazy busy with jobs, kids, kids activities, husbands, and housework, that we don't make enough time for ourselves. I think we all need more girl time!
I follow a lot of celebrities on Twitter too.
Don't judge!
Don't act like you don't do it too.
Anyway, one celebrity I follow is Alison Sweeney, of Biggest Loser. She and her girlfriends get together once a month for dinner. Dinner is always held at one of the girls' homes. How fun! It's a big pot luck, everyone brings something. The hostess makes the main course. There's dinner,, and lots of good conversation! Another great idea!
Having girlfriends is really important. They can provide you with some invaluable advice. A new perspective on a unique situation. They can give you group therapy when it you need it for work, relationships, a loss, etc. They'll tell you the truth even when you don't want to hear it.
Go celebrate with your girlfriends, make time.
Live in the moment!
** No one at "The Talk" knows who I am, nor do they care. I do not know Alison Sweeney personally...I just follow her on Twitter. :)**
The Weekly Ramble – March 7, 2025
1 day ago