Monday, November 7, 2011

Where did the time go?

Christmas? Already? Where did the time go? I could swear we were just agonizing over whether hubby should take this job. Didn't we just celebrate Zack's 9th birthday....what? That was LAST January?!

Where has the time gone? I was at Walmart the other day and walked around and took a look at all the holiday items the employees were busy stocking. Halloween is hardly over and it's onto the next holiday? What exactly is the rush? Can we just have a breather and not be so prepared already?

Thanksgiving is the next holiday, no?

Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go....and I can't wait! We're all excited. A direct flight and a few hours drive = bliss! I am so ready for a breather!

Even I'll be singing Country Roads...... ;)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Quote of the day

"I'm mature enough to forgive you, but not dumb enough to trust you."

~Author unknown.

Whoever said it is a genius.

I'm alive, I swear.

Don't anyone have a heart attack....I'm posting something on my blog, for the first time in a looong time.

So last weekend I bought a shirt. I wore it to work the other day. For the first time. I came home and was in the middle of changing and noticed I had a hole in it already. WTF? How does this happen? Am I the only one who gets a hole in the SAME place in EVERY shirt I own??? Seriously the hole is always around where the button and zipper are. I have NO idea how it happens, or why, or what I'm doing to cause it, but it is incredibly FRUSTRATING! Anyone else have this problem phenomenon, or is it just me? Please tell me I'm not the only one?!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Crazy People

I am convinced that 90% of the people that live in this little town are CrAzY drivers. The most insane, crazy, rude, annoying people are driving around here and now it's making me crazygrumpy. People in WV complain about people from Ohio all the time with their horrible driving. Ohio gets a gold star. I don't know what it is. Is it in the water? How have I not noticed this before? Hubby has been telling me for a long time. A really long time. Just about every time I get in the car, my good mood goes out the window. Geesh. Everyone here needs a lesson in driving etiquette. STAT! In other news, I'm about to go full time with work. Like serious full time work. I haven't done this in 4 years....I was home sick today, and I realized how much I miss being home. How lazy, I know. I hang my head in shame, really I do. I am going to miss being home for the kids after school. I miss not volunteering at their schools. I am worried beyond comprehension about how Zack will get from one school to the other with out getting lost and/or freaking out. I miss not having to worry about after school care at all! I miss having house work taken care of during the week. Hello, I need some cheese with my wine tonight. It's all new. Everything. Old and new. New home. Old town. New Job...actually Old job. New schools. New friends. New adjustments. My kids are amazing at handling all of this. I couldn't be prouder of them. Me? I miss the previous chapter of our life. I'm working on it.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Is this thing on? I haven't written in forever. When did it become September?? Not that anyone really reads my drivel...but anywhoo, I am alive and kicking and busy all hell. I have forgotten what being a working mom is like. I am so exhausted at the end of the day! I don't remember myself being so tired when I worked previously. Maybe it's just that I'm a few years older now? lol So we have been here for almost 3 months now. Time has gone by pretty fast. Our house is finally starting to take shape and looks pretty good. We have odds and ends that need to be done, but all in all, it's so much better now than when we bought it. The kids have started school. Zack is doing really well. I still can't believe he's in the 4th grade. He has made some good friends and likes his school. On the first day I asked how it went, and he said "GREAT!!" "We get 3 recesses!" lol He has done so well and constantly surprises me at how well he has taken all of the changes we have thrown at him. Taylor likes her school and her teacher also. (They are in separate schools) I am a little more concerned about her though. She seems to be having a harder time with it all. I know she has fun once she gets there. And when I pick her up she is usually in good spirits and says her day has gone well....but getting her up and ready in the mornings is a tougher situation. I don't know if it's because she's really tired, or if she's really unhappy. Time will tell, right? I am to start full time by the end of the month. I hope I can work it all out. The after school care program at Zack's school seems to be a joke, and he's not old enough to be by himself. Not that he would anyway! I've always been a fly by the seat of my pants kind of gal....I'll just wing it per usual. :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Comedy of Errors

Installing the wood floor has been a comedy of errors lately....and one would expect no less when it's your first time to do such a thing.

We started out with an automatic nail gun bought from Home fell apart when hubby whacked it with the hammer to drive in the nail. So back to Home Depot it went. Hubby came back with a new one. Guess what? It did the same thing. I don't know if it was user error or if there is seriously something wrong with Bostitch QC. Who knows, but it went back too. By then steam was rolling out of hubby's ears, and he doesn't get upset that easily. If it were me, I would have thrown it across the room, drug it outside and driven over it a few times. ;)

After this return it was off to the local rental place. Where hubby rented a pneumatic nail gun...which you need an air compressor for. Both were rented on Sunday afternoon right before they closed for the day.

Guess what? They didn't check the hose attachments and the hose didn't fit the nail gun. Apparently Sunday was not meant to be. Monday I got it squared away, brought it back home and guess what?

The air compressor wouldn't work. We plugged it in to a direct power source. It ran long enough to test it out and then wouldn't turn back on.

Are you noticing a pattern yet?

I took the compressor back, they gave us a new one....

And it works. My one complaint is that the compressor, while plugged into a direct power source, only works for a minute at best. You have to keep turning it off and on, and then after a few times let the air out of it. It's pretty inconvenient.

BUT-It works! And is doing a great job so far. Hubby is about half way done...and it looks great. I can't wait to get it all finished! :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I have this itch. It's pretty bad. It's a vacation itch. We haven't gone on a vacation in a loooooong time, and it's starting to cause a nasty itch to get the heck outta town. It's sort of hard to leave with your house all torn up...or maybe that's why the itch is getting so bad, no? I want to go sit my butt in the sand with a good book. I want to watch the kids play in the sand and make sandcastles. I want the warmth of the sun to bring a smile to my face. I would give my left arm and then some to be able to go tomorrow.

I'm not a patient person. Have I mentioned that?

Here is the issue. I am now living on the West Coast, where there really aren't any "warm" beaches. It's pretty windy and cold, and swimming in the water isn't something most people do. I grew up going to the Oregon Coast...we always went right before school started and it was always chilly.

Then, I grew up met hubby and he introduced me to a real beach. Myrtle Beach. Nearly everyone where we used to live vacations there, or somewhere near.

I have been spoiled!

I miss the East Coast....being long day's drive from the Atlantic sounds like a dream! Does anyone else wish you had the power of Samantha on "Bewitched? That would come in really handy right about now!!

Alas, while we are re doing our floors, it's too hard to get away. Not to mention the cost of a ticket, car and a place to stay is a little too out of reach...maybe I can convince myself a chilly beach would be just as good?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I think I'm deaf now

Hubby is installing new flooring right now as we speak. He's actually doing the prep right now. The people who lived here previously had a tile entry and then carpet. order to make things level they had to add shims and some leveling stuff, that's similar to grout to go from the carpet to the tile. In order to get rid of that stuff he's using a little mini jack hammer thing. (I'm really technical, I know) IT'S LOUD! Thank GOD I don't have a headache right now..... He's breaking up the grout that was under the tile with it too.....Ohhhhhh my. I hope this goes fast!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Working girl

I've started a new job in the time that we have moved's a new/old job. I've worked for this company before when I was in high school and in college. The people are great to work for, and most of the people, if not all, that I worked with before are still there. I think that says a lot. A lot can happen in 10 years. People change. People move on. For me, it speaks volumes.

The other day it was a little slow and my computer wasn't working, so while an IT guy came and tinkered around with it, my boss, myself and the girl I'm going to be taking over for chatted and giggled like little girls. It was so FUN! What a great day, and what a great thing to be able to enjoy the people you work with. That was unfortunately not so much the case in my last job. People at my new company are a great group of people. My little group is so funny! I don't think I've been able to laugh like that for quite a while. It was so refreshing to have adult conversation and lots of laughs! It sure makes getting up early worth it. :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Extended Vacation?

I still feel like this isn't my house. I feel like I'm on an extended vacation. Living in a roomy vacation home, waiting to pack up and head out at a moments notice. All of our worldy possessions fill this house, and yet it doesn't feel like we belong here.......yet. I know we will, but at the moment it's a strange feeling to have.

I've come full circle. I was born and raised here. When I left I always wanted to come back. Now I'm finally back and it feels incredibly surreal. Almost like I don't belong here. Hubby's aunt once said you can always go home again, but it's never the same. She was speaking of personal experience, and she's right. I'm working where I previously worked, doing the same thing, with some added responsibilities. I'm living in the same area. My current question is, at what point will this feel like home again? Part of me is waiting for the vacation to end and head back East. I wonder at what point does that go away? It's not that I'm not happy....I'm's just a weird feeling.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Little boxes.....

Name that show! One of my fav's.....

I'm however talking about big boxes...huge. And small...millions. Ok, a couple hundred. Have you ever been fortunate enough to be moved across country by a moving company? I was pretty nervous with having random people packing all my worldly possessions. Luckily we were really blessed and nothing broke and from what I can tell, pretty much everything made it here. Amazing really. Our stuff went from our house, onto a truck, to a warehouse where it sat for the better part of a week or more. Then it went onto a semi, all the way across country, to another warehouse for a week, then onto another truck, to our new house. That's a lot of moving around, and I'm really amazed everything arrived in good condition, and on time, and intact.

When all the boxes are delivered you point and direct the movers where you would like things to be put. Boxes get stacked, 3 o four boxes high. Pathways are made through the house. A pathway to the bedrooms. To the doors. And to the kitchen! It felt like I was living in a bad episode of Hoarders there for a while. I would show you a picture, but my computer doesn't like me today. Actually I think it's blogger that doesn't like me today and won't let me upload the pic on here. Go figure.

It took me a good week to dig out of all the boxes and paper. We finally have some order in our house now. As I mentioned in the last post, we are busy painting, and now ready to rip up some carpet to put wood floors down. We can order our furniture Saturday, and as soon as that's all done, we will be good to go for a while. Thank goodness! I'm ready to sit back and enjoy the house!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Um, hi.

June 18th? Really? It's been that long? Wow....ok, so my mother in law said to update, and I try to listen to her, so here we go. :D

I'm still incredibly pissed off at U-Haul. What a joke of a company. Call me crazy, but I think as a company, said company should do everything in their power to make their customer happy. It promotes business, no? I've gotten yet another, "oh, sorry about your luck," and I managed to get a $50 refund. Big whoop, when I ended up spending thousands. Yes, I did say thousands. Next up, is a letter to corporate. Local does nothing. Been there done that, and it's not good enough. Moral of the story is if you ever move and need a big truck to do so, DO NOT EVER USE U-HAUL...they'll run off with your money. And. They. Do. Not. Care.

Bitter, who's bitter? Bite you're tongue.

Anyway, since we've been in grand ol' "Onion Town" we have painted our living room, most of the entry way, and both of the kids bedrooms. We still have a little to go in Taylor's room, a couple of touch ups in Zack's room, and the rest of the entry to go. What are we waiting for you ask? Motivation! I had the best of intentions today, but, what can I say, I'm a little bit on the lazy side. And it's not exactly going anywhere, right? Or maybe that's the problem? It's not going to do itself either....hmmmmmm.

One plus, is that all of the boxes have been opened, and things are put up. That is definitely progress! At one point I felt like I was living like a hoarder. We had path ways through our living room. It was a little crazy for a while. Pretty soon we will be on to bigger and better wood floors! And ripping up carpet! Fun times ahead for sure. I can't wait until it's all done and we can relax. :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Madder than HELL

Has anyone out there ever used U-Haul? Successfully? I have never used them...I had planned on using them for our move. We just needed a trailer to pull behind to get the last little bit of stuff we had left to move. Remember, 2 kids, 2 adults, a dog and a pull behind trailer? Yeah.....well, never mind that.

We had the hitch installed, no problem on Friday. Then we go to rent the pull behind...there is one left in our area, so we snatch it. We have the conformation number in our hot little hands, and go to pick it up this morning and the guy says...sorry that's for someone else. We can't have it.

What?! Excuse me? Even with the conformation in hand, they won't let us have the trailer WE ALREADY RENTED. What the hell is that about? How do you even get away with that?

We were given the regional number to see if they could help find what we needed. Some guy named Rusty picked up the phone and said we could either drive 60 miles out of our way, wasting OUR money and OUR gas and OUR time to correct THEIR gross negligent error, or wait for another day and a half and get another trailer, which is the wrong size.

Awesome. Thanks for the help there Rusty. Real professional.

Dear Uhaul, I don't have the time to wait around for you. I have someplace to be and I won't make my destination on time if I have to wait for your unprofessioinalism to come through. At this point, I don't believe a word that is coming out of your mouth....I have my doubts if there would even be a trailer available tomorrow.

So my next step was to get customer service on the line and see what they can do...surely they can help better and make this right.


They can't do any more than the regional office.


I have never seen such unprofesionalism in my life. What a crock. On the phone while you're on eternal hold, you listen to their bs about how they make moving easier...uh, no......more like a LIVING HELL! Unfreaking believable.

The regional person said from experience the website is pretty here's a question....WHY HAVE ONE? What good is it? To make potential customers pull out their hair and make them crazy?

So change of plans...rather than give UHAUL another penny of my money, Taylor and I will fly and the boys will drive. We will pack what I can in the back of the Element and send what doesn't fit. I will pay $1000 for a damn plane ticket for Taylor so we can fly.

UHAUL has lost a customer. NEVER AGAIN! USERS BEWARE!!!!!!

I also want my money back for the hitch.


Sunday, June 12, 2011


I have 11 minutes give or take left on the battery of my mother in law's lap top! I need to type fast.

This weekend was a family wedding weekend. It felt a little more than odd to be there with out my husband....not as out of place as I probably would have felt a few years ago, but just a little strange. It was a great weekend though...everyone came in for the wedding, and a good time was had by all.

It was also a little sad this morning when I had to say goodbye to everyone. I don't know when I'll see them again. All at the same time at least. Zack said when we got home that it was a sad weekend, but a good one. He's right. Goodbye's are hard to do. But I think we should think of it as see you's not like we're dying, right? I have to keep saying it, or I am going to be a mess....sooner rather than later.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Marriage is a lot of give and take. It's a lot of compromise. It's a fair share of arguments. It's knowing when to let the other person win one, and it's knowing when to say I told you so. It's a lot of work, yet very rewarding if you happen to be married to the right person.

I am lucky, blessed and privileged enough to be married to my best friend. I love him with all my heart. Really.

But he has this crazy notion that driving across country...3000 miles give or take, with 2 kids and a dog in an Element (small SUV) is a good idea.

I'm not trying to be bitchy...just mildly humorous.

I've done a small survey of people we know. I'm not the only one who thinks this could end bad. A mutual friend asked if he was smoking crack, HAHAHA! I smiled and said that if he's not now, he will surely need it for the ride.

Hubby's goal is quite admrial. I completely understand where he's coming from. Quality time together that we haven't had in the past 4 months. As soon as we get back he has to go back to work. I have to start a new job a couple weeks after. Its' a super busy time for us, and some togetherness would be nice after so long apart. Right? Right....

We leave the 19th, and we have to be there the 23rd. That's some long days of driving!

"It'll be an adventure" he says.

"Don't be a stick in the mud" he says.

Silly Hubby. Isn't he adorable?

He doesn't know what he's in for.....

My prediction is that by the time we reach St. Louis...which is around 8 hours in I think, we will all want to kill one another. Our friend said we wouldn't make it to Kentucky, haha! At least I set my goal higher!

I'll let you know how this works out.... ;)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer Summer Summer

Think High School Musical when you are reading the title up there. Raise your hand if you've seen these movies more times than you can count! Summer is upon us folks and it was a HOT one this past holiday weekend. Hot sticky humid summers are on the way and there is only one way to beat the heat. Ok two...stay inside and hide in the ac, or get your tan on at the pool! We tried to take the kids to the pool late yesterday afternoon, but much to our was CLOSED. There were too many people in the pool, and they couldn't let anymore in because there wasn't any way to get a proper head count. While I completely understand it was a safety issue, is sure was a bummer. And try explaining a "safety issue" to a whiny 6 year old who had her heart set on feeling the cool water of the the next best thing was to go back and turn on the sprinkler and run through it. Boy was that water cold, and oh my, did it feel good!

Can I just say, that a little part of me was pretty happy not to have to be in a swimming suit in front of a billion other people at a public pool? I realize I'm not the worst looking one out there...but I'm always a little embarrassed. I have gained so much weight! And I'm white as a ghost! Tanning lotion needs to be ordered stat! It's really not cute. It's past time for a change. It's hard to change when you like food. It's hard to change when you're a stress eater. Perhaps I should make use of the elliptical machine behind me? hmmmmmmm....I have a couple of weeks left here, why not right? Sure as heck can't hurt. :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Ok, who watched the last show yesterday? It was such a great show! A perfect ending to a long running daily institution in millions of people's lives.

I've been watching since I was a kid. I remember coming home from school and watching her show while doing homework on my living room floor. Hubby can't really stand her...but I really like her. She seems to be a very intelligent, thoughtful, and insightful person. At least she comes across that way through my TV screen. I sincerely hope she is as great of a person as she portrays herself to be. It's so disappointing when you find out a celebrity who seems to be a great person, really isn't.

Oprah's last show has been described by some as a "love letter" to her fans. It was all about the gratitude she had for us, her viewers. She thanked audiences for making her show the number 1 talk show for 25 years. She told us how much she loved her job, and how it was what she was put here on this Earth to do.

There were so many great quotes in her show. Here are a couple I just love:

"Nobody but you is responsible for your life. It doesn't matter what your momma did. It doesn't matter what your daddy didn't do. YOU are responsible for your life. You are responsible for the energy you create for yourself and the energy you bring to others."

"...Everybody has a calling, and your real job in life is to find it."

Truer words of wisdom have never been spoken....

Until we meet again! :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I am a big believer in Karma. I honestly believe you reap what you sow. If you're good to the world, the world will smile back on you, and you will be blessed. If you're not, well, Karma will come back and bite you in the ass.

Big Time.

I believe I lead a good life, I would like to think I lead by example. I have so many great and wonderful people in my life. Their rosy outlook, rubs off. Truly! Have you ever noticed that when you're around negative people a lot, their negativity rubs off on you? Happy people rub off on you too. In fact in my opinion, I think the happier people rub off on you more. They can make your life so much fuller and richer. Negativity really can bring you down, and create a depression in you, you didn't know you had.

That being said, I'm also realistic. I find people that are so high on life that they seem fake, a little scary. What is that type person really about? No one is that happy 100% of the time. That's not real to me. More power to them if that really is them though.

I'm still a leery person....I'm the type of person who is really quite and will sit back and form my opinion. And then after I've gathered enough information, I'll tell you what I think. I'm honest, to a fault probably.

I believe a good majority of people probably do not want to hear the truth. They want you to agree with what they think. Which is a difficult thing, particularly if you're really close to that person. You don't want to step on any toes, but at the same time it would be nice if they took a step back and looked at things logically. Laziness and complacentness (is that a word?) is a dangerous road. Perhaps one should listen and take in what others around them are saying....if enough people are saying the same thing, there must be a reason, right?

Wouldn't the world be such a better place if we just sat and listened? It would be great if everyone could take the time to analyze a situation before blasting through life full speed ahead. Think of all the things that could be accomplished!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

No more Whining

I am letting my kids get off the school bus at their normal bus stop for the last couple of weeks of school. Yesterday I let them stay at our former neighbor's house for a little while to play with the neighbor kids. I knew it would feel strange to go back and pick them up off the bus. But to pick them up where I used to live, was much weirder. Much harder. And to be perfectly honest...sucked. It was hard to look over. To see new porch furniture. To see both of their cars there. I heard someone in the garage, but decided not to peek to see who it was.

I'm really sentimental....maybe too much so. I need to put one foot in front of the other and live life forward, not do people do that so well?

I have one friend, who is the bravest, boldest person I have ever met. She isn't afraid to take chances, and continually takes a leap of faith. There is a reason she's a life coach! I need to take a page out of her book, and quit whining about life.

Lord, please help me to pull up my big girl panties and get a smile back on my face! Please help me to put a smile back on my children's faces and a pep in our step!

Cats and Dogs

Cats and dogs are notorious for not getting along. Sure there are some that do, but they are few and far between.

I know my kids love each other...but there are times during the day when the claws come out and are tearing into one another. It's crazy that they can be lovey dovey one minute, and ready to pounce the next. I guess that's siblings for you, right? Love to hate?

I have an older half sibbling that I didn't not have the experience of growing up with. I feel so inadequate when it comes to resolving issues between my kids. Logic just doesn't work at their age. I don't have the background to resolve in a particularly effective manner. I think I'm usually the bad guy in the disciplining department because of that. Hmmmm, something to work on for sure.

I know there are no rule books, or instructional manuals that comes with kids when you take them home from the's times like these that I really wish there were. Emotions are high right now, and we're all a little on edge...which adds fuel to the fire!

Lord help me get through this!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Digging out

I have a mess. I really big unorganized mess. I need to dig out soon, or I am going to go crazy. I don't know how hoarders do deal with their "stuff" all around them. It makes me feel so Closter phobic. I need to re-pack what is already packed and condense it down to a more manageable level so we can get it across the country in our little Element. If we don't have to get a hitch installed and pull a small uhall behind it, I would be ecstatic! I don't know how manageable that really is though. We have SO MUCH STUFF.

Where the heck does it all come from? How did it fit in my house? No wonder we were busting at the seams! Stuff, Stuff, Stuff! Everywhere! Then there are some things that I wonder, why didn't we put that on the truck? What were we thinking with that?

Also, I'm a bit of a procrastinator....I need to get moving. I've been researching summer activities, cleaning out my email, and pondering private schools. Must move on and be productive.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's Hard to Say Goodbye

It's hard to say goodbye to something you love. It's hard to say goodbye, when it's the end of an era, so to speak. It's hard to say goodbye when someone is passing away. Although I would rather think of that particular situation as more of a "see you later."

Yesterday was tough.

It was long.

It was exhausting.

There were tears.

There was sadness.

It was much harder on the kids than I ever expected.

I pulled it together as much as I could as I handed over the keys to the new owners. We said our goodbyes, and walked to the door, backing out of the driveway for the very last time. I coudn't stand there and make small wouldn't come out. As fast as I pulled it together, I was quickly losing it again.

It's not the house that makes the home, it's the people. But this was, and still is, a great house. In a great neighborhood, with exceptional neighbors. It was our first home. I loved it from top to bottom. And once we had to say our final goodbye, it was glaringly apparent what we have to leave behind in order to begin our new chapter in life.

One foot in front of the other, one day at a time.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Reality is hitting me. Hard. I'm a stressed out emotional mess right now. Yesterday the new owner came by and brought his new sink. He's putting in new counter tops, a new sink, and possibly a new fence. He already knows one of the people that live down the hill...we were all out side yesterday when he came by. He pulled up and to be funny, he said "hey, I'm looking to buy a house, is this for sale?" To be funny, or maybe not, I said "nope, sorry."

How I wish that were true! My neighbor saw someone else on a walk the other day and he asked about my house too. Who knew I lived in such a desirable home? It's so strange to live here, and yet know it's not mine. Bittersweet doesn't cover it. I want to pick up the house, and (most) of my neighborhood and take them with me. There are days that I think I'm ready, and then there are days, that I just don't want to leave.

Searching non stop for a new house is wearing thin both my patience and hubby's. It's frustrating when there isn't much to look at. He likes one more than I do, and I like one more than he does. His is the better option. It has the most bang for the buck, so to speak. We've been pre approved for a loan...we just need to make a decision.

And quickly!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Our Silly Government

Did you know our silly government uses lots of long complicated, often times hard to pronounce and remember words? To help their employees remember all these crazy words and phrases, they use acronyms. Acronyms are big in the government. They use them constantly on a daily's how they get through life.

I know you're thinking, thanks for the info, who cares....I have a point, really.

This morning I got a call from a weird was an acronym for something I'm sure because the lettering didn't make sense. Good thing I decided to answer the phone. It was a woman from Ft. Dix...they are the lovely base who's folks who are getting our move together. The woman on the other end of the phone spoke really fast. She didn't identify herself. And kept speaking in tongues. (acronyms) I probably said "huh" or "what" a few hundred times to try to understand who this was and what the hell she were talking about. The conversation started by asking for hubby, whom I said wasn't in, so you would think they would slow down and speak English for those of us NOT employed by the federal government. I finally figured out, oh this about the move....and got a final answer on when we can be out of here.

The 20th is our final move date.

We are supposed to be out by the 15th.

You understand the pickle we're in here, right?

The new owners are very nice people, and the one thing we have working for us, is he's a military man. So I know he understands the game here. United States government has LOTS of red tape...and they move at their own pace.

Need something done now? Tough crap, it ain't happenin.

So pray that he and his wife will allow us to stay here a few extra days so we can successfully get out of here, out of their hair, and be on our merry way.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's day...or what's left of it at least! I had a very subdued day....for the weekend, Taylor went with my mother in law to see my brother in law, sister in law and new little niece. So needless to say, it was pretty quiet with just Zack and me. We had a great little weekend and quaility time together. It's rare that we get to spend so much one on one time with each other. Saturday we went to his soccer game, where he scored a goal, and then celebrated with luch at Dairy Queen. Followed by dinner at Quaker Steak for his favorite wings. :) Today we just hung around the house...he played video games and watched a movie while I sorted clothes for our move and did some laundry.

He's growing so fast. Wasn't he just a baby yesterday? Today he's almost as tall as me. When did this happen? I must have blinked. I know it's cliche, but time really does fly. Entirely too fast. He is such a sweet boy, I pray he remains a sweet boy forever and ever...I want to bottle him up and keep him all to myself. I want to protect him from all the evil's of the world. All the bullies, mean kids, and girls who may or may not break his perfect little heart. I'm afraid the next time I blink he will be graduating high school. Or college. Or *gasp* getting married.

Does anyone know how to slow time down??

Friday, May 6, 2011

Packing up!

This huge mama jamma is my packing supply to pack up my grandmother's china. I don't trust the movers to do a good job, so I did it myself. I have two sets, one from each grandmother, so it took a while. I have SO much of it! After 3 days, I finally got it done today thankfully. I used almost every bit of that entire bag if you can believe it. I also used lots of bubble wrap! I used 2 large Rubbermaid tubs, and 4 small ones. Pray everything makes it in one piece!

I would do my Fiesta that way too, but I don't have the patience. That I can replace. China I can not.

So next on my list of to do is packing up the clothes I'm going to take to my mother in law's for me and the kids. I am hoping one tub each will do.

Wait-I just thought of something...I didn't get one for myself...just the kids. lol Duh. Maybe I'll use my suitcases instead.

My time in this house is dwindling....a week from today if everything goes as planned....I'm not exactly sure it will....but if it does, a week from today we will be moved out. What a weird feeling it will be to see it empty.

Must press on....long day of soccer tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I've been rather dormant lately. To catch anyone who cares up to speed, we spent a week in WA looking for housing last week. We started in the area we thought we would ultimately be living. We had a great realtor. She was wonderful to work with, and so nice to take us around in her van that had a dvd player in it for the kids. We looked at least 25 houses....You might be thinking about 20 too many? I think it was good to see a lot, it definitely showed us what we want and don't want. On the other hand, we may have become a little snobby towards the end. We got it narrowed down to two houses. Both of which I was really "wowed" by. One of course more than the other, but both really nice.

Then Wednesday happened. We had lunch with my former boss from years and years ago in my hometown. We talked, we laughed, we caught up, and she sort of offered me a job. Her currant assistant is leaving the company to get married and will be moving to be with her husband who is in the Navy and stationed in California.


I was not expecting that.

She said she had some exciting news to share...I was thinking more along the lines of, "hey, I'm going to be a grandmother" type news. (Which she's not)

I'm definitely interested....but on the other hand, it's a full time position, and I don't know if I'm ready to do full time yet again. What about the kids? Summer and after school? They're used to me being there. I like being home....but I might like to use my brain again also. The extra money would obviously be beneficial.

After lunch that day we were scheduled to look at a few homes in my hometown also, just to see if anything piqued our interest. Unfortunately there are hardly any options for our price range there. It's really frustrating. To say the least.

Hubby showed me the house he really liked...I unfortunately was a little underwhelmed by it. :( I had really high hopes....especially from seeing the pictures. We didn't really see anything else that was terribly interesting. I was really disappointed by the price range issue.

So now we, or I guess I should say I, have this huge delima. To take the job or to not.

Living in my hometown means an hour commute each way for hubby. Granted, I know people do it. It's only 15 minutes longer than the commute he had here. But that's 2 hours out of every work day. Not to mention the price of gas. I don't know if it would be worth it. I have to make a decision by Friday. We have to get some kind of ball rolling, or we'll be living on the street!

How the hell did this get turned around on me?? This wasn't my gig....I was going along for the ride. Now all of a sudden this giant life decision is up to me. WTF?

If I don't, will I regret it? Probably. If it doesn't work out and I would quit for some reason, then the commute would become a problem. It doesn't make financial sense to live there if I don't work. So, if I do, I'll have to settle for a house I'm not really that interested in. I realize it's just a place to lay your head, but it's also a huge chunk of change to not love it. A house is just a house though right? It's the people in it that matter more. Which I know. Really. I do. Forgive me, I guess I'm a little more vain than I should be.

I realize I'm talking to myself here....I'm trying to work it out in my head....I'll go ponder some more.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Home Owner No More

I am offically no longer a home owner. I owned my home I don't. It happened in the span of 30 minutes. It was like the blink of an eye. I feel a little like an orphan, or maybe more of a squatter since I still actually live here.

This was my first home. Where I have raised my babies. Where I have grown so much as a person. As a wife. A mother. Some people may think I'm being silly....but it really does hurt.

It feels surreal.

Very strange.


It took all I had in me not to break into tears. (My kids were present at the signing....there was not breaking down allowed-not that I would in front of anyone anyway). This is MY house. I loved it from the moment I saw it. I love the people around me. I love my life. But it's time to move on from here.

My comfort zone.

My safe place.

There are better things to come. I know this deep down. I have to keep reminding myself to keep moving forward.

One foot in front of the other.

One step at a time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

House Hunting We Will Go

We are (almost) packed and ready to go for Friday. Friday we head out for spring break to fly across country to hopefully find our new home. I've been house hunting's not quite the same as in person, so I'm kind of excited to start this process and find somewhere to live. ASAP.

My criteria is as follow:

3 (4, I need 4!) bedrooms
2 1/2 bathrooms (the half is the most important)
living room
family room (yes both)
big (huge) closet-the kind that is like an extra bedroom!
tub (separate from the shower) (the giant soaking kind)
decent sized yard (with a play set!)
2000 (3000) sqft.

Not asking for much, right?? I know darn well I won't find that at an affordable price where I would rather be. So I guess I better get used to either a smaller house, or living somewhere else. We'll see how it goes.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Dentist

Yesterday I went to the dentist. I hate going to the dentist. I have always hated it. I was not blessed with a pretty mouth full of teeth. I don't know how common it is, but I had duplicates. Just about 2 of everything....needless to say it led to LOTS of dental work when I was younger. Back then I don't even know how common pediatric dentistry was. I know it's not something our little town had. The dentist I had the misfortune of seeing was not that great with children.

I had a husband and wife team who had their own practice. One day I had to have some teeth removed. I was pretty young. (This is one of those things you never forget). I don't remember the events leading up to it, but I had the wife working on me this day. I'm sure I had some laughing gas....I never really felt it worked that well. I felt everything and it hurt like hell! Anyway, the wife is working on me and whatever she was doing hurt. I had an adverse reaction to the pain, and I ended up kicking her. I didn't mean to start a fight or anything, was just a knee jerk reaction. She stopped, walked out and she never worked on me again. The feeling was mutual. I guess I can't blame her...but I was just a kid.

Thankfully I haven't had to have any teeth pulled in years. They do keep warning me about my wisdom teeth though. Apparently after 30 you are supposed to keep a close watch on them.


The top wisdom teeth are coming in sideways.


The dentist told me yesterday the problem is you don't want the good tooth next to the wisdom tooth to be adversely affected by it. might want to consider getting those out at some point before it becomes a real problem.

Even better.

I actually wanted to get these out when I was 10 years ago before I moved here. My parents didn't want to pay for it.

Thanks Mom and Dad.

To this day I'm always really nervous when I go to the dentist...even though they're just cleaning my teeth. I'm quite sure I will always be a nervous wreck. The good news in all this happens to be that I can proudly state that, in all of my 31 years, despite my jumbled mouth full of teeth, I have never ever had a cavity. :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ChampagneTaste on a Beer Budget

This is a famous term in my family. I think my grandmother coined it when I was younger...and it fits me perfectly. I (sheepishly) (maybe not sheepishly exactly) admit I have champagne taste on a beer budget. I want the biggest and the best and the highest quality of everything.

Not exactly a saver's attitude, now is it? I suppose one could say I'm like a child in that respect. Except with out the tantrums!

I want, I want, I want. I just don't have it.

Our housing situation has me a little frustrated. Looking for houses is frustrating when you can't afford what you really want. I know where I'd like to be....but to live there I almost need to match hubby's salary, and that ain't happenin. Don't get me wrong, there are houses we can afford.....

(Shoe boxes)
(Grass huts)

We've also been toying with the idea of building. I must be out of my mind...I don't think you can build a nice big new home on a beer budget, can you? I'd love to....that would be beyond perfect.

A girl can dream, right?

But I digress....we'll find something, that hopefully we can agree on and afford.

And soon.

"Spring Spheres"

On the way to drop my kids off at school this morning, I heard on the radio about how a school in Seattle (of course it had to be in WA) wanted to be more politically correct about Easter. Instead of calling Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs....they must now call them "Spring Spheres."

Seriously?? Are you kidding me?

There isn't anything religious about an just so happens to be associated with Easter, the religious holiday. It's not exactly a sphere either. I do believe it's oval in shape. No?

What is this country coming to? Why do we do this? I don't see this as being politically correct. I see it as being ridiculous. If one peroson doesn't like, or appreciate the actual given name of Easter Eggs, or Christmas, or Hanukkah, or what have you, then that's ok.

Call it what you want!

Don't you think it's equally as politically incorrect to make everyone go from calling Easter Eggs, to "Spring Spheres?" Doesn't that infiringe on our rights to call it the given name?

I thought I lived in America....where we had FREE speech. *sigh*

Who comes up with this crap?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Last 10 days

The last 10 days were so nice. It was so nice to get back to a "normal" place. Hubby was here, and we were all together. We were constantly on the go, we were out of town part of the time, to say the days flew by would be a gross understatement.

It was hard to let him go. To go back to our new "normal." The kids handled it beautifully. Probably better than I did. Saturday night I watched a cute little movie...I don't even know what the name of it was. This guy was interested in this girl, she knew it, but wasn't romantically interested in him. Things happen, they fight, and he moves 3000 miles away to law school. It's then that she realizes that she loves him. She misses him. She quits her dream job one afternoon and the next morning is on a flight to NYC to surprise him. It's not exactly the story of my life, but there are glaring similarities and I just lost it. I had my husband back, and I had to let him go. I know this isn't forever, and there are plenty of people who are worse off than I am. This is nothing. But it's still hard. I'm blessed in the fact that I get him back, and I will see him again in a couple of weeks. Not everyone can say that.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rented Ride

We were able to ride in hubby's rented vehicle up to Canaan Valley. It's a Kia Sodona. A very nice full sized suv.

With. Three. Rows.

Oh. My. Word.


Of course when you use all three rows, that doesn't leave much room for luggage, but we made it work...and it was blissful! SO much less fighting between the kids. I do believe this will have to be a new criteria when it comes time to purchase a new car. In our current car, I would like to build a brick wall between them pretty often. Even just to get from home to Charleston...which is less then 45 minutes away.

Better save some pennies...these wonderful inventions don't come cheap!

Road trip!

Hubby has been here for the past week and it has been so nice to have him around! While he's been here we've have been on the move. We've attended a family wedding 8+ hours away, came back for a few days and now are on the move again.

We drove up to Canaan Valley last night. Hubby has to work here for a couple of days so the kids and are I tagged along. We are staying at the Resort Lodge here....It's such a beautiful place up here. Very serene and tranquil. Also pretty rustic...Which if you are addicted to electronic connections to the outside might be a little irritating, lol. The lodge does have wifi, but is sorta hit and miss...and dial up slow at times. Whew....what ever did we all do before dsl or cable internet?

My kids will never know life before the internet. Or cell phones. I remember...but what the heck did I do? I remember I was outside some...I however have never been outdoorsy. I can't imagine life with out these wonderful, yet often times frustrating modern conveniences. I would now be lost with out facebook. I get fidgety if I can't connect and check my email. Sad or a sign of the times? Both I think.

My one wish for this place is that someone would renovate the Lodge. It has such potential, it's a shame it's stuck in a time warp from 30+ years ago. I think if it were updated it would definitely attract some new visitors. In the winter it has great skiing packages. The summer offers golf packages. There is a pool and hot tub, inside and out. You can ride skii lifts in the summer and walk trails too. Great outdoor family fun is to be had up here in these beautiful mountains!

So far today, our fun has included going to the little playground behind our room, and to the game room. We've had 2 melt downs, and a come to Jesus. The pool is closed....someone is playing a cruel joke here. Haha. Maybe God is talking to me, and telling me to learn some patience.

Seems an appropriate thing to learn up here....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Today I was watching "The Talk." Has anyone watched this yet? It's a talk show with Leah Remini, Sarah Gilbert, Sharon Osbourne, Holly Robinson Peete, and Julie Chen. It's modeled after The View, only much more light hearted. They sit around a table and chat....often talking about personal things, and then they go on to interview a couple of guests.

Anyway, today they started the show talking about junk food cravings. They're were all sitting around the table talking about their junk food cravings, and Leah and Sarah jump up and show what treats they brought for their co-hosts to try. That got me to fun would that be? Get a bunch of girlfriends together and sit around a big table....chatting about life, or nothing in particular, and eat some fun junk food? Sounds like my kind of get together. Why doesn't that happen more often? I think us women are crazy busy with jobs, kids, kids activities, husbands, and housework, that we don't make enough time for ourselves. I think we all need more girl time!

I follow a lot of celebrities on Twitter too.

Don't judge!

Don't act like you don't do it too.

Anyway, one celebrity I follow is Alison Sweeney, of Biggest Loser. She and her girlfriends get together once a month for dinner. Dinner is always held at one of the girls' homes. How fun! It's a big pot luck, everyone brings something. The hostess makes the main course. There's dinner,, and lots of good conversation! Another great idea!

Having girlfriends is really important. They can provide you with some invaluable advice. A new perspective on a unique situation. They can give you group therapy when it you need it for work, relationships, a loss, etc. They'll tell you the truth even when you don't want to hear it.

Go celebrate with your girlfriends, make time.

Live in the moment!

** No one at "The Talk" knows who I am, nor do they care. I do not know Alison Sweeney personally...I just follow her on Twitter. :)**

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I am in dire need of some motivation. Anyone have any I can borrow? I am a master procrastinator....I always have been. I was the one who waited until the last minute to complete an assignment when I was in school. I am the one who waits until the last minute to start cooking dinner. I'm the one who will look at the laundry basket for a week before I put the clean clothes away that are sitting in it.

It's madness really. I know I need to start packing things. May will be here before I know it. I really don't want to be standing here with nothing packed and the new owners knocking on their new door. That might be a little more than embarrassing!

As much as I know what I need to do, I have zero motivation to do it. Or maybe it's just that I'm sentimental and it's hard to let go? I believe the added pressure of a looming deadline always helps. The next couple of months are going to go by so fast. I need to be careful though. Sometimes deadlines and the added personal pressure I add to it backfires. I wonder if procrastination really = laziness in a person? I can be a little lazy....

There are also times where something shifts in my brain and I'm ready to attack what's on my plate. So here we to find some boxes!

A New Roof Over my Head

Today I'm getting a new roof put on the house. It's just a bit noisy. (A lot noisy)
It sounds like someone is going to fall through the ceiling up stairs. I said a prayer in the shower that no one would fall in on me while I was in the middle of showering.

The company I hired came promptly at 7:45 this morning...just before I took the kids to school. When I take the kids to school, I'm a hot looking mess. It's not cute. Really.

Bed head.


You know what you look like when you wake's a little scary, isn't it?

I don't get dressed up to drop my kids off at school. I throw on a jacket or sweatshirt and we're out the door. Since I don't have to walk them into the school, I figure what's the point? Sometimes I come back home and go back to bed. Especially if I'm not feeling good.

So anyway, there were probably 8 big scruffy looking men in the yard setting up shop when the kids and I walked to the car this morning. They got quite a site, with me in my pj's, and hair a mess.

Poor Sam doesn't know what to think. He's stuck to me like glue. He's trying really hard to get me to let him outside...but I can't. He not only might get hit with some debris, he would throw a giant barking fit at all the people on our roof. I wouldn't want him to scare someone off the roof either.

Here's to no more leaks, and a brandy new pretty roof!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nathan Kress

Yesterday I spent the day with my little Tater Tot....that's what Zack called her when she was in my belly. He couldn't say Taylor that well, and it came out sounding like She has been Tater Tot ever since.

Yesterday was pretty exciting for her. I took her to the mall to see Nathan Kress who plays "Freddie Benson" on iCarly. He was doing a meet and greet at the mall and was signing autographs. She thinks he's pretty "hot." I have to agree...he's a cutie patootie!

By the way, where/when did little kids learn to use the term "hot" instead of "cute"????

Oh. My. Lord. It started at 11:30. I got there about 10:15....I should have been there at 8! It was CRAZY! The first 400 got a free picture for him to sign....we were not one of the lucky first 400. :(

Taylor didn't seem to mind much. In fact she made friends with 2 little girls in front of us. As we got closer, they would run up and take a peek of him and come back all giggly. It was pretty darn cute to see.

Since we didn't get a picture, the mom in front of us handed us some cards...we turned them inside out and he could sign on the blank space and then we could put that in a frame. That was so nice of her to share, I really appreciated it. Well Taylor chose the side with the picture on it...oh well, lol.

There were some pretty excited teenagers a few people ahead of us too. One of them went up when Nathan arrived, and got some pictures and brought them back and showed us. One of the girls even texted a picture to me and the mom in front of us. How nice was that!?

There are good people left in the world!!

Once Taylor made it the front of the line, she was pretty calm...a little shy. They shook hands and he signed her card. It moved very quickly to make sure everyone could have a turn. It was a looooooooong wait. I think it was 4 hours total. She was a trooper though, and I'm proud of her for sticking it out! This will surely be a memory she will have forever.

So after our Nathan Kress autograph, we went and had lunch and then came back to Build A Bear. She has always wanted to do this. And since it was a mommy daughter day, I decided yesterday was the day. She had so much fun picking out the bear and going through the process. And guess what they had? An iCarly outfit!

I thought it was pretty cute, and I know we'll have to go back before we leave and do another one...they're really fun!

Yay for mommy daughter days!


Oh happy joy, I have some stalkers stalking my blog. No, not the weird creepy kind. Unless you consider your in-law family creepy. Which I dunno, you might.

DA DA DUNNNNN. Insert sarcasm here.

Now the random text message yesterday makes sense. And the sudden increase in traffic on my little blog no one in the world reads. I talk to myself pimarly here.



But now I have a family audience...I know who you are. I also know exactly how you found me. I don't advertise myself just for that reason...joke's on me, huh? Oh well, now you're have a look around. Not much to read really, just my thoughts and the goings on in life at the moment.

So, hello to you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Why is it that some people are incapable of telling the truth? The one thing I won't be sorry to leave here in WV is the family drama. And the one person who is responsible for it all. He can take a long walk off a short pier as far as I'm concerned.

This person, was a very close family member who betrayed his family. He chose another path, which ultimately lead to him losing his family. What this person doesn't seem to understand is that as much as he claims to have a story, he doesn't have one. He has a boat load of excuses. That no on wants to hear.

He claims to love my children. He often plays up a pity party to anyone who will listen. Apparently we hide our kids - or he must have forgotten our address and how to get to our home. Or he's just an idiot?

I gave him an opening to come clean last night with the kids...he didn't take it. I know he's moving. I know when. I think I know where. He's getting remarried. I said, you owe it to my kids to tell them you're moving. So he told them, and left it at that. Didn't elaborate. At all. There were no particulars given, or talk of his future plans. I prompted the conversation for a reason. My kids deserve to know what's going on. After essentially disappearing off the map, he owe's this to them. I'm not going to be the one to explain it. He is. And one way or another I'm going to get it out of him in front of them so they can hear it. From his mouth. It's his turn for the tough questions.

This man is their grandfather. It's sad what he's become, or maybe always was. I'm sad for my children. The relationship my kids had with him was a good one previously. They used to worship the ground he walked on.

Too bad he felt he had to leave it all behind.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Growin Weeds!

No, not THAT kind of weed. I'm talking about my kids. They are growing so fast I can't keep up with them. I washed laundry this past weekend, and Monday morning took a clean pair of jeans out and handed them to Zack. He couldn't button them! So I got another pair of jeans out and handed them over. He couldn't button those either. That left me with one pair that I knew if he couldn't get the others on, this pair had no chance.

Holy. Crap.


So I run to Target yesterday while the kids are at school and pick up two pairs...I should have known the one pair that I get that I like the best is too small. The other pair fits. They're the same size. Two different brands. What gives?

This leads me to the question....WHY can't designers of children's clothes make them all uniform?? Why is it that both size 12 jeans that I bought are NOT the same?? This drives me INSANE! Has it always been like this? I don't remember this as a kid, but I'm sure it was. It just so happens I'm just now running into this in my life. I know adult clothes are like this...but for the love of God, why can't they make kids clothes uniform?? It would make life so much easier!

I guess until I find a solution, I will be doing a lot of laundry.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

First "Date"

Friday evening when Zack came home from school he asked me if it would be ok if he went to a movie with his friend Naomi. They are inseparable at school, but have never hung out one on one. He has been clamoring to go over to her house, but I'm a huge believer in not inviting yourself places. So finally Friday evening, her mom called and asked if it would be ok for him to go with her and her dad to see "Mars Needs Moms." They both liked the movie and had a great time. Awwwwww! It was like a little first chaperoned date. So Cute! I really wanted a picture....but alas, I played it cool. A Facebook friend said I should take the picture anyway! :) Oh time right? I will have to return the favor in the next couple of months.

Naomi is such a nice cute. Pretty quiet and shy. If you ask either one of them, they are just good friends. They get teased a lot at school for "dating" and it embarrasses both of them. His teacher has told me the hardest part of moving for him will be leaving her. :( Talk about ripping my heart right out!!

Yesterday was another big day for Zack. He got an autograph from a WVU football player at the mall, and then spent the night for the first time away from home at his friends house. He made it all night, I am so proud! I was hoping for a little mommy son date yesterday, but he had places to go and people to see, lol.

My little boy is growing up. Fast!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Is it just me?

Am I the only one in the world with zero sense of direction?? I used the maps app on my iphone today...and I still got lost. What the hell is that about? Geeze. To my defense it kept sending me in the wrong direction...but on the other hand...I couldn't really figure out how to use the thing right. UGH!

Hello, I'm 31 and technically challenged. It's a sad situation! I get so frustrated. I have this ridiculous fear of being lost...which stems from actually being lost when I was younger. (That's another story) It's really a paralyzing fear. After the fact I can see how silly it is, and how silly I must look - but in the moment. WOW. It's what I assume to be much like a panic attack.

I freak out.

It's not cute.

I'm not proud.

It sucks.

What also sucks is the fact that I am holding myself back by it. And I know it. I don't drive where I'm not familiar with. If I don't have a clue where something is, please for the love of God, do not ask me to find it. If someone is with me and can give me directions I'm good to go. I know it's crazy - trust me I's not like I'm going to fall off the planet! Where does my mind think I'll end up?

This fear of mine goes back to when I was younger and learning to drive. The only place I was ever allowed to drive was in town. Never out of town. My hometown is small. Very small. I wasn't allowed to drive on the highway either. I learned that in my drivers ed class.

Of course when I got my license I did go where I wanted....but I limited myself. When I got a job at Starbucks I had to travel to the nearest store, which was an hour away. I don't think I have ever been so nervous over something so silly. I was so excited for the job...but completely dreaded driving to and from. I'd like to say I've gotten better over the years....but not really so much. In a couple of months I'm supposed to drive up to Columbus to chaperon Zack's field trip. I didn't want to ride on the I'm taking Taylor too, so I thought I would drive. I was secretly hoping Hubby would be home and we could make a cool weekend out of it....but no such luck.

Time to find some big girl panties and least that's what I keep telling myself.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Baby Phase 2

Baby phase #2 is complete. Hubby was home over the weekend, and despite me being sick and Taylor having a mysterious cough, a good time was had by all. We went North to see family and go to a bridal shower. Hubby, a cousin and Zack went to get some new soccer gear. Hubby and I had all day Monday together, which was awesome. That never happens. Ever. It was so nice, just to hang out with him.

Hubby and I have talked before about our relationship...we often wonder if we are the odd ones, or if our friends are the odd ones. We truly enjoy one anothers company. We don't really annoy each other much. Sometimes, but not much! We talk a lot. We like to spend one on one time together....we value and even crave it sometimes because our date nights, and general time together is so few and far between. Some friends of ours on the other hand....are quite the opposite. It seems like one spouse drives the other one nuts. They don't really do much just themselves together, nor do they necessarily want to. It seems like they prefer time away from each other.

I don't really understand the point of being married if you don't like to spend time with your partner. Tolerating each other must make couples miserable! Why bother? Is it that they're afraid to be alone? They can't do any better? It makes me sad to be honest. I think a husband and a wife should have a close relationship. They should like each other for crying out loud! Happy couples, create happy environments, who have happy lives. Am I wrong?

Just my .02 cents.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lemon Chalet Cremes

These are evil evil little cookies. But they are SO DAMN GOOD! I'm of course talking about Girl Scout Cookies. I really hate that the boxes are about half the size of what they used to be...but yet typically cost more. Stupid inflation!

The Lemon Chalet Cremes are my favorite Girl Scout Cookie...most people like the Tagalongs, or the Thin Mints. I'm weird...I like the lemon. I only bought one box this year...and it's already gone. I think I am going to have to go search out more. I'm like a feene. I need my fix. Forget about the other 4 boxes on my counter...I want more of these. What was I thinking about getting a variety?? I think there is an expression that goes something like "variety is the spice of life," or something to that effect.

I guess that could translate into what's going on in my life as well. The variety of moving to a new place, well new old to me, and starting over. It's an adventure, right? I need to keep reminding myself of that. I know I'll love picking new things out for our future home. I'll love sorting things out, and putting them where I want. I know all of us will love visiting new places and even some old ones a little more often.

An adventure.

A challenge

The spice of life!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dear Charlie Sheen:

Get a freaking grip. Please for the love of God. For your innocent children. They do not deserve this behavior from their father. You are a crazy ass junky. You don't look well. You're not well. Have you looked in the mirror lately?? You look like death. You're knocking on death's door. Take an honest couple of weeks and get away from everyone, and sober up. Look at the mess you've created, and let someone help you. Actions have consequences. You've cost people their jobs. You've lost your kids. You've lost friends, family. What's next? You're life?

Step away from the internet! And the machetes. And the drugs.

You're NOT "winning" moron!

Drugs are bad kids, drugs are bad.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Strong Woman

The other day one of my best friends and I were talking, and she paid me the sweetest, nicest compliment. I can't even remember what it was we were talking about, but at the end of what ever our discussion/gab session/bitch fest was, she said I was the strongest person she knew.

Wow! It took me by surprise a little. Me? Really? I don't feel like I'm a very strong person. I try my best, but I feel like I fall short a lot, and in a lot of ways. I feel like I should be stronger. I think I should be able to do more. I should be able to do things perfectly and effortlessly. Somewhere, deep down, I know it's not possible.
Maybe I have a good suit of armor that portrays that on the outside to people...I wonder if I really make it look easier than it is? Because it's not easy. At all. There are so many times I feel like I'm going to crack from all the pressure. Especially lately. I do crumble. I do stumble. I do fall. But I have pick myself up and dust myself off, and start over.

It was the nicest compliment I think anyone, aside from hubby, has ever given me. I'm flattered anyone would say that to me. To me, I'm just living life, day to day, trying to get through all the little hurdles and challenges. I don't know any other way. I don't have a choice. This is my life. I have to live it, and I hope people can see I'm doing the best I can.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bidding War!

A bidding war is what every homeowner wants when selling their house. Today our house was shown three separate times. Made for a long day away, but out of those three separate showings, there were two offers made. I came home in between showing two and three. I had ran to the store and had to put a couple things away. I knew the last showing was my personal realtor and her client, so it was no big deal if I was present while the house was being shown. As soon as she walked in she told me there was a definite offer being made and possibly a second also.

In the time that it took my realtor to show her client my house, the previous realtor came back and handed her the first offer. In my driveway.

Wow. Is this for real? That was fast. Too fast. When my realtor and her client left I was about in tears, when I happened to look outside. I could see the two realtors talking talking to each other. I knew what was coming. I had to do some deep breathing before she came back to the door.

So offer one was good. It's a good solid offer. Offer two just came and it's also another good offer. Offer one is in no rush, and will probably give us until the first week of May. Offer two needs the house ASAP because she is pregnant and only has 8 weeks left. That reminds me so much of where we were when we bought this house. I was pregnant with Taylor then, due at any moment. Fast forward 6 years, and here we are trying to figure out which offer to take to sell our house.

Big, Big decisions to be made.

Hard decisions.

It's real. It's here, whether we like it or not.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

When I grow up

When I grow up I want to be Oprah. Is it too late? Am I too old? Don't laugh...I think she's a brilliant woman. She annoys the crap out of hubby. To the point he can't stand her. I guess it's because she promotes herself on everything. All her magazine covers, etc. She didn't get to where she is today by chance was hard work and a hell of a lot of determination. I admire that.

I've been watching her network (OWN), and I love to watch the behind the scenes show. I am totally all about the behind the scenes. A year ago I went to The View, and was just in awe of how it all comes together. As brilliant as Oprah is, she has several even more brilliant people working for her as a team. It's amazing. That is something that I could be apart of. Not that I have any experience, mind you. But as stressful as it would be, it would have to be fun. They all seem to really love what they do. That's rare now days. I know I will face having to return to work after we've moved...wonder if I will be able to find something unique that I will love?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My house is officially for sale

And all I want to do is rip the sign out of the yard and throw it down the street...wait, scratch that. I would like to put it in the neighbor's yard. Hahaha...evil yes...but he deserves it for being a doushebag. He's the neighborhood scrooge....word around the street is he is letting his son have the house now. Yeah, every 21 year old kid needs a big house to worry about, right?

But...I digress. The sign went in the yard on the 28th of February. Yesterday! The house officially went into the "system" today. The house was shown for the first time this evening! To say this is going to be a whirl wind is an understatement. I'm not ready...I don't think I could ever be ready. I just have to roll with it, so roll with it I will.

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Little Diddy...

There once was a man. One day this man took a new job on the other side of the country. 3000 miles away from home. The man went to live with his in laws for a few months until his wife and children could join him when the school year was over. The mother in law loved to dote on the man. She cooked his meals, and even packed him a lunch every day. She also even offered to wash his laundry. The man felt a little funny about that, so he declined. The man says cleaning his undies is a deal breaker.

When the man leaves for work, the mother in law is still asleep, but the father in law is awake. They greet each other with a good morning, and the father in law sends the man off with his packed lunch and a banana, telling him to have a good day.

The man drives the lengthy drive to his office and works a full day. Sometimes the man doesn't eat the packed lunch. *Gasp* Sometimes he opts to get lunch out....tsk tsk. The mother in law would be unhappy if she knew.

After working his full day the man returns to his in laws humble abode to a home cooked meal. He eats his wonderful home cooked meal, and then skypes with his children. Some days he also goes to work out. He wants to get buff for his wifey! Although his wifey thinks he's fine just the way he is, buff is great too!

The wifey loves this man with all her heart and soul. She and their kids miss the man terribly, and can't wait for the next couple of weeks to pass so they can spend another weekend together again!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

For What??

For house is going up for sale. I love this house! It's too small, and there is no storage anywhere, but I love this house anyway. It's our first house....I loved it from the moment I first stepped in. I squeeed with delight when we went through it. I squeeeed with even more delight when we signed all the papers and moved in. It was perfect for us and move in ready. We didn't have to do a thing. No painting, no fixing, nada. Considering I was 7 months pregnant, it was
P E R F E C T!

I know a house is just a house, a place to lay your head at night. The house doesn't make the home. The people make the home. So why is it so hard to let go of it? Is it the fact that it was our first house? The fact that I really don't want to leave, even if it is the right thing to do? Is it fear of the unknown?

What? All of the above and more you say?
Yep....I know.

I will always have pictures and memories to hold onto, and I'll have even more pictures and memories in our next home.

Next Monday I will sign all the papers to officially put our house on the market March 1st. It's a cute little 3 br/2.5 bath. One car garage. Fresh paint in about half of the roof to come asap. New heat pump, new dishwasher and disposal. Great neighborhood, great neighbors, and great school district. Large playground in the backyard stays with the house. Perfect for another new young family looking for their first house.

Don't mind me if you find me hiding in the closet somewhere.......

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby steps

This is what Hubby keeps saying. Baby step one of 6 is complete. We had a great weekend. It was really productive, but it was WAY too short. Today outside matches the way I feel. It's cold and damp, drizzly and dark. I was never so happy to come back from the airport this morning and crawl back into bed to hide from everyone and everything.

I took a nap, I'd been up since 4...when I woke up, well, it seems like an even deeper sadness set in. I keep thinking back to the days when I would drive down and meet him for lunch at Jim's and we'd share a piece of pie for desert. I wish more than anything, today was one of those days. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's lack of sleep. Or probably both. Separation is a bitch. We always said we wouldn't do this again, and here we are. Doing it again. It's never been an easy thing, to be so far away from each other. I know I need to be happy with the time we do get, as short as it is. It's better than nothing. Could someone please train my brain to get that!?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Young Love

My son is quite smitten with a little girl in his class. I'll call her N. If you ask him about N, he will swear up and down that they are just really good friends. They aren't dating! According to Zack, he and N get teased quite a bit from their classmates about "dating." Yesterday he brought a take home test home for homework and at school he said the teacher was explaining that they could use their history book for it and get help from parents if they needed it, but not to ask their classmates...and apparently someone spoke up and said "Yeah, Zack and N!" He said even the teacher laughed.

I am pretty good friends with his teacher, and we were just talking about them the other day at the Valentine's party. Their desks are next to each other...she said she put them together since they only have a couple of months left. ;)

I've asked him before about dating and his reply is always, "gross!" I don't know if he really finds it as gross as he just maybe a little scary? They are joint at the hip at school, and she is a sweet little girl. When we reach the end of the school year in June, it's going to break all our hearts to have to leave.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm doing it, I'm doing it!

Ok, I am managing....I've been sick, I've had almost every possible thing happen, and I'm still doing it and making it. Whew....I'm exhausted by the end of the day, but we're making it work. And Can I just say that I'm pretty proud of myself? I even made it to church on Sunday. By myself. I think I've only done that one other time. I was terrified that I would just lose it in the middle of church and end up sobbing uncontrollably. I didn't, thankfully, and I think that I just might be able to manage it again. :)

This weekend....I'm ready for this weekend. Hubby gets to come home...only for the weekend, but that's ok, because he'll be HOME! I can't tell you how excited I am....I don't think there are enough words in the English dictionary!

Funny side note....I was thinking back a few weekends ago, about a conversation between my brother in law and Zack. Justin asked Zack what he wanted to be when he grew up. Zack said an NBA player. Justin asked what if that didn't work out. Zack said an NFL player. Justin said what if that doesn't work out? Zack said, well then a rock star! Dream big, baby, dream big! :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


It's been just over a week now, and things are, well the same. I still miss him like crazy. The kids still miss him like crazy. It seems as though he's on one hell of a long work trip. Only this one will last...forever. Ugh. They say it gets easier with time. It does not. They're lying. He's not dead. Thank GOD! I know we'll see him again. Still doesn't make it any easier. I sincerely wish I could say it did. I am strong, and I can make this the new normal. I think..... It would help tremendously if I weren't sick! Talk about bad timing! Double UGH! I haven't felt good since Saturday....I have things to do and places to be the rest of the week, here's hoping my cocktail of day/nyquil works!


Friday, February 4, 2011


Well....hubby left Monday, and it's been quite the adventure for both of us ever since. The mother of all weather storms was hitting the Midwest, which changed hubby's course of driving. Yes driving. In the middle of winter. Across the US. So instead of the quick route he normally would take, he was forced to go South, and has since been stuck in Dallas for the past 3 days waiting for the weather to break. They aren't used to this type of weather there, and consequently do not treat their roads in an adequate manner. 10% Salt, 90% Sand. WHAT? They claim that the salt is too corrosive, which it is really corrosive, to use much of it. Well, then what exactly is the point of using it at all? This weather happens so infrequently there, that you would think they would go ahead and use at the very least 80-85% Salt. Who ever is in charge needs to have a stern talking to. This is ludicrous!

My week has been one adventure after another. The headlight went out in my car, as did the lamp post and my ceiling fan. Got the latter two changed no problem...had to ask my neighbor for help with my car....I'm not good with cars...I'm a girly girl, what can I say? Then my awesome son clogged the toilet. That awesomeness was extra awesome, because I had to go buy a decent plunger. I won that round I'm happy to say. Next was my personal favorite. Caught a mouse in the mouse trap in the garage. I have NO idea how long that poor little thing had been in it. I haven't checked it since hubby left. I happened to get something off the shelf today and looked down and about had a heart attack! We do have a humane trap...Thank GOD, because I know I'd freak if it were the other kind. Wonder how many more are roaming my garage? Ugh.........

This evening we tried out Skype for the first time. Our camera make us look like blurry blobs, but he looks A-OK. I have to say, I am stoked to see him, but at the same time heart broken that I can't touch him. I can't smell him. You have no idea how hard it is to see him, and talk to him face to face and not feel his arms around me. I know other people have it MUCH worse than me, and I should be greatful for what we have, and I am. I really am. For now, this is our new normal, and I just need to get acclimated to it. One. Step. At. A. Time.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

And he's off

It's been 26 hours and 10 minutes give or take since hubby left for the wild wild West. Not that I'm keeping track.....ok, yes I am. It was hard. Really hard to say goodbye. He's had to leave before for a couple of months at a time, but this time was different. It was hard on both of us. I can't really put my finger on it, as to the specific reason. I would venture to guess because it's the beginning of a new chapter of our lives. Not just any chapter, a huge monumental chapter. And he's doing it on his own for now. The kids and are are still here, in our house, in our little town. Just the three of us. There are SO many things left to be done. It's overwhelming...for example, right now...I should be painting something. But I'm not. I'm not ready to take on that task yet. I did hang a couple of pictures and patch 3 holes. Something has to be better than nothing, right?

So today is day one down....lots more to go. One step at a time. I can do this!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The cat's out of the bag, and other such things

So much is going on....the cat is out of the bag....and my head is spinning. The kids took it about as well as I imagined about our impending move. Zack was crushed. Taylor was ambivalent at the time. Now I think the weight of all the changes is having a negative affect on her. She seems to be regressing back to when my inlaws first split up. My father in law has been pretty much mia, showing up only when it's convenient to him. She went through a period of acting out at school. This time she is super clingy and doesn't want me out of her sight. Now she's getting hit with more changes...bigger changes. I know how she's feeling. I just wish I could help her a little more. I do my best to reassure her, however it doesn't always work. One step at a time, right?

Today is hubby going away lunch. I was supposed to be there. Mother Nature seemed to have other plans for me. I got all the way down there and turned around and came back. The roads were getting bad, and I didn't want to wait around for them to get worse. Fear is a horrible thing. I'm sure I could have managed, but my fear got the best of me. I was scared of getting stuck either there where the lunch was or on the interstate, or worse in a wreck. I'm such a negative Nancy. I cried all the way home. The weight of knowing he's leaving in 5 days, plus the weather, plus the state our house is in, just all came crashing down. And I really wanted to be there. It's time to put my big girl panties on and deal.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Birthday boy

My birthday boy is turning 9 on the 17th. I can't believe it! I swear he was just a baby yesterday. When did get get so tall? When did his feet get so darn big? They're nearly as big as mine. He's going thru a growth spurt right now. He started out the year in size 8. He got off the bus the other day and they were up to his ankles! When did this happen? How?? Goodness...I'm not ready for him to get any bigger. He really is a sweet kid. He wears his feelings on his sleeve, and he's a smarty pants. Not that I'm biased....

I'm in the middle of trying to plan his birthday party. It's going to be the last one here, so we want to make it special for him. Oh my goodness.....I don't really want to go broke doing it. But I fear I'm headed in that direction. A bounce house, games, pizza and cake. I think. lol I'm on the fence about the bounce house, because that's what's so expensive....but go big or go home, right? I better think fast, the party is next Saturday!

Is it wrong that I am typing this and watching Zack and Cody on Deck? And laughing? Out loud? Shhhhhh, don't' tell.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


It's a new year...ready set go! Is everyone ready? I'm not. 2011 is going to be a big year. Huge. A little scary. One of our biggest adventures yet. We're moving....Hubby is supposed to leave by the end of the month and there is soooooooooo much to do. Every weekend is jam packed...two weekends away, plus Zack's birthday. It's overwhelming to think about, but I guess I need to get used to it and start packing some things to de-clutter the house. It's amazing how much stuff you accumulate over time-especially with kids. :) We still haven't told the kids we're leaving yet. We are horrible is that?! I feel like a crappy mom....there is never a right time. We just have to do it and get it over with.

This week, Taylor is home. She had tonsils and adenoids taken out and tubes put in her ears last Monday. She is doing better...yesterday was the first day she didn't take any pain medicine. Wooo Hooo! Everyone tells me that after she heals she will be like a different kid. I'm still waiting....guess I have another few days to go....I'm hoping for the best. She needs a break! So does Mommy!