2 sick kids.
1 migraine prone, sleep deprived mommy.
What does that equal? A disaster. It's been a really long week. The weekend is going to be longer. Taylor only went to school one day this week. She started out with a runny/stuffy nose last week, and it progressed into what ever it is now. She is on an antibiotic.
Last night Zack came down with the stuffy nose and sore throat after his bath. O.M.G. When did this kid turn into a helpless little man? He is the typical "man" you hear about that thinks he is dying because he can't breathe through his nose. I have to say, Hubby is NOT like this. He pushes through and deals with it. Zack was up all night long. I felt so bad for him...If I could climb inside his little body and trade places with him, I would gladly do so. But I can't. So it was quite the sleepless night for us. He was up every hour. And to think I would love another baby...HA. What the hell am I thinking? I feel like death warmed over today! Good thing we can't have more!
Alright...nap time! Lets see how this goes, and how long it lasts.
The Weekly Ramble – March 7, 2025
1 day ago
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