It's called BABY FEVER! Every where I turn, someone I know is pregnant. I'm a little jealous. I always liked being carry the baby, feel him/her kick....It is the coolest feeling in the world.
I know, I have two awesome beautiful kids. They are at the perfect age where they can keep themselves busy, I don't have to watch them like hawk, and they're great helpers. I always knew I wanted two kids. The only child in me knew that I needed to have more than one.
Zack was my first. He was such a great baby...except for the sleeping part, which he still isn't great with. Seriously that kid can survive on very little sleep! I had some complications with him, that lead to extra complications with Taylor. Right after I had Zack I was told that I shouldn't try to have anymore kids, and if I did want more, I should consider adoption or surrogacy.
I'm not good with directions. I don't like to be told what to do. So, I got pregnant again. I had LOTS of dr appointments, and I had LOTS of amnio's. I know a lot of people shy away from them, but for me it was a necessary evil. And just FYI, anyone who tells you that they don't hurt is freaking full of crap.
When it was all said and done, all the doctor appointments were for nothing. After the first amnio they were supposed to be able to tell us if there would be any complications. If everything was good, I wouldn't have to have anymore, if there were I would. Maybe they just wanted my money? To make a long story short, the doctor was wrong and I had a LOT of unnecessary amnio's. Everything turned out great with her.
That's not to say, I want to tempt fate again. I don't, to be perfectly honest. Now that I'm older, maybe just a little wiser, I know our family is perfect, and I'm happy the way we are.
The Weekly Ramble – March 7, 2025
1 day ago
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