There once was a man. One day this man took a new job on the other side of the country. 3000 miles away from home. The man went to live with his in laws for a few months until his wife and children could join him when the school year was over. The mother in law loved to dote on the man. She cooked his meals, and even packed him a lunch every day. She also even offered to wash his laundry. The man felt a little funny about that, so he declined. The man says cleaning his undies is a deal breaker.
When the man leaves for work, the mother in law is still asleep, but the father in law is awake. They greet each other with a good morning, and the father in law sends the man off with his packed lunch and a banana, telling him to have a good day.
The man drives the lengthy drive to his office and works a full day. Sometimes the man doesn't eat the packed lunch. *Gasp* Sometimes he opts to get lunch out....tsk tsk. The mother in law would be unhappy if she knew.
After working his full day the man returns to his in laws humble abode to a home cooked meal. He eats his wonderful home cooked meal, and then skypes with his children. Some days he also goes to work out. He wants to get buff for his wifey! Although his wifey thinks he's fine just the way he is, buff is great too!
The wifey loves this man with all her heart and soul. She and their kids miss the man terribly, and can't wait for the next couple of weeks to pass so they can spend another weekend together again!
The Weekly Ramble – March 7, 2025
1 day ago